Wednesday, May 20, 2009

appellatory - archipelago




as a noun: n- a common, as distinguished from a proper, name; the designation of a class._

appellatory (ap-pel'ft-tO-ri), adj. containing an appeal.

appellee (apn-e-le'), re. the person appealed against; the defendant in an appeal.

append (ap-pend'), v.t. to attach. Rang, or suspend; subjoin or add to, as an accessory part; annex.

appendage (ap-pcn'daj), n. something appended or attached as a part of; something added as an adjunct.

appendicitis (ap-pen-di-si'tis), n. inflammation of the vermiform appendix or the caecum or blind gut.

appendix (ap-pen'diks), n. [pi. appendixes (ap^pen'dik-sez) & appendices (ap-pen'di-sez)], that which is added as supplemental.

apperception (ap-per-sep'shun), n. self-consciousness; the union of part of a new idea to one already in the mind (so Herbart); mental synthesis.

appertain (ap-er-tan'), v.i. to belong or pertain to, as by relation or custom.

appetite (ap'e-tit), n. the desire for gratification of some want, craving, or passion that is natural or acquired; the relish for food induced by keenness of stomach.

appetizer (ap'e-tl-zer), n. something that excites or whets the appetite.

applaud (ap-plawd'), v.t. to praise; express approval or approbation by clapping of the hands or acclamation.

applause (ap-plawz'), n. the expression of approval by clapping; approbation openly shown by acclamation.

apple (apl). n. the round fleshy fruit of the apple-tree and its numerous cultivated varieties; any fruit resembling an apple, as pineapple.

appliance (ap-pfl'ans), n. the act of applying; that which is used with, or as a part of, something else.

applicability (ap-li-ka-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being applicable.

applicable (apli-ka-bl), adj. capable of being, or fit to be, applied.

applicant (apli-kant), n. one who applies, or prefers a request for something; a petitioner.

application (ap-li-ka'shun), n. the act of applying, putting to, or on; the thing applied; the applying or reducing to practice; the practical demonstration of a principle; the act of requesting; request; mental assiduousness.

applicative (ap'li-ka-tiv), adj. capable of being applied.

appllcatory (ap'li-ka-to-ri), adj. fitness to be applied: n. that which applies.

applied (ap-plid'), p.adj. practical.

applique (ap-Ii-ka ), n. a method of ornamentation in dress or upholstery in which portions or figures cut from other patterns are fixed or applied to a groundwork or foundation of any material. [French.]

apply (ap-plr), v.t. [p.l. & p.p. applied, applying], to place one to another; lay on; put into practice; devote to a particular purpose; refer or ascribe as fitting to a person or thing; address or direct; fix the mind upon: v.i. to suit; have connection with or reference to; make application to.

appoint (ap-point'), v.t. to fix; settle; found; make fast; establish, by decree; assign or ordain; fix the time and order of: furnish or equip; v.i. to decree; ordain: determine.

appointee (ap-poin-te'), n. one in whose favor an appointment is made.

appointment (ap-point'ment), n. the act of appointing; the assigning to an office or trust; the state of being appointed; the position or office assigned or held; a stipulation; an engagement; an arrangement to meet by mutual agreement; an ordinance or decree established by authority; furniture or equipment.

apportion (ap-por'shun), v.t. to assign By equal or proportionate division; distribute or set out in just proportions.

apportionment (ap-por'shun-ment), n. the act of apportioning or dividing into just shares.

apposite (ap'6-zit). adj. proper; fit; pertinent; well-adapted.

apposition (ap-6-zish'un), «. the act of adding; addition by application, or placing together; the placing of a second noun in the same case in APPOSITIONAL

ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; liuou, book; 46


juxtaposition to the first, which it characterizes or explains, as John the Baptist.

apposltional (ap-6-;zish'un-al)t adj. Belonging to apposition.

appraisal (ap-pra'zal), n. the act of appraising, or putting a price upon with a view to sale.

appraise (ap-praz'), v.t. to set a price upon; value; estimate the worth of, as by a licensed appraiser.

appraisement (ap-praz'mcnt), n. the act of valuing; an authorized valuation.

appraiser (ap-pra'zer), n. one who appraises; a person licensed and sworn to estimate the value of goods or estates.

appreciable (ap-pre'shi-a-bl), adj. capable of being appreciated, perceived, or estimated.

appreciate (ap-pre'shi-at), w./. to value; estimate the worth of; esteem highly; prize; be sensible of; raise in value.

appreciation (ap-pre'shi-a'shun), n. the just valuation, or proper estimate of worth or merit; a rise in value.

appreciative (ap-pre'shi-a-tiv), adj. exhibiting appreciation.

appreciatory (ap-pre'shi-a-to-ri), adj. expressive of admiration.

apprehend (ap-re-hend'), v.t. to take or lay hold of; seize; arrest; take a mental hold of; anticipate or expect: t'.i. to incline to belief; form a conception.

apprehensible (ap-re-hen'si-bl), arf;. capable of being apprehended or conceived.

apprehension, (ap-re-hen'shun), n. the act of seizure or laying hold of; arrest; the act of conceiving; perception; anticipation of evil; fear or distrust of the future.

apprehensive (ap-re-hen'siv), adj. capable of apprehending; quick to learn, or grasp; fearful of evil; anxious for the future.

apprentice (a-pren'tis), n. formerly, one bound or articled by indenture to serve a certain number of years to learn some trade or craft; a novice or tyro: c.i. to out under the care of a master for instruction in some trade or craft.

apprize (a-prfz'), v.t. to give notice to; inform.

approach (ap-proch'), v.i. to draw or grow near; approximate: v.t. to resemble, come near to.

approach (ap-proch'), n. the act of drawing near' access; passage.

approbate (ap ro-bat), v.t. to express approval of; license or sanction.

approbation (ap-ro-ba'shun), n. the act of approving; commendation.

approbative (ap'ro-ba-tiv), adj. approving; expressing approbation.

approbatlveness (ap-ro-ba'tiv-nes), n. rove of praise or fame;_ ambition.

approbatory (ap'ro^-ba-to-ri), adj. containing or expressing approbation.

appropriate (ap-pro'pn-at), v.t. to take to one's self in exclusion of others; claim or use, as by an exclusive right; set apart or assign to a particular use; annex a benefice to a religious corporation: adj. peculiar; fit; apt.

appropriation (ap-pro-pri-a'shun), n. the act of assigning to one's self, or to a particular use or person; application to a special use or purpose; the annexation of a benefice to a religious corporation.

appropriative (ap-pro'pri-a-tiv), adj. appropriating; making or tending to appropriation.

appropriator (ap-prO'pri-a-ter), n. one who appropriates; one who holds an appropriated benefice.

approyable (ap-prpo'va-bl), adj. deserving of or meriting approval.

approval (ap-prOov'al), n. approbation; sanction; ratification; consent.

approve (ap-prooV), v.t. to prove, test, or demonstrate; ratify; pronounce efficient or sufficient; be pleased or satisfied with; commend: t'.i. to express approval [usually followed by of}.

approver (ap-proo'ver), n. one w&o approves.

approvingly (ap-proo'ving-li), adv. in a commendatory manner.

approximate (ap-prok'si-mat), v.t. to bring or carry near; cause to approach: v.i. to draw near; approach closely: adj. near in resemblance or position.

approximately (ap-prok'si-mat-li), adv. very nearly out not absolutely. APPROXIMATION

ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; 47


approximation (ap-prok-si-ma'shun), n. the act of approximating; approach to anything as a standard; continual approach in exactness to the quantity sought, without actually arriving at it; a value nearly but not quite correct.

approximative (ap-prok'si-ma-tiv), adj. with a tendency to exactness.

approximative^ (ap-prok'si-ma-tiv- n), adv. in an approximative manner.

appurtenance (ap-pSr'te-nans), n. that which belongs or relates to something else; an adjunct or appendage ; that which belongs to, or is accessory to, an estate or property.

appurtenant (ap-p
apricot (a'pri-kot & ap'ri-kot), n. the fruit of a tree, allied to the plum.

April (a'pril), n. the fourth month of the year; named from the Greek goddess. Aphrodite.

April fool (foSl), n. one who is imposed upon or decieved in a jocular manner on April 1st, or All Fools' Day.

a priori (a pri-6'ri), from something prior; reasoning that proceeds from antecedent to consequent.

apron (a'prun), n. a portion of cloth, leather, or other material, worn as a protective or ornamental covering to the front of the person; a leathern covering for the legs, used in driving; the vent-cover of a cannon; the curved timber placed above the foremost end of a ship's keel; a platform at the entrance to a clock.

a propos (a pro-po'), adv. to the purpose; to the point; opportunely; in respect (followed by of): adj. seasonable; happy. Written also dpropos.

apse (aps), n. [pi. apses (ap'sez)]. a po- Iyg9nal or semicircular recess terminating the choir or other portion of a church.

apsidal (ap'si-dal), adj. pertaining to the apsides.

apsis (ap'sis), n. [pi. apsides (ap'si- dez)], one of two points in the orbit of a planet situated at the furthest or the least distance from the, central body or sun; the imaginary line connecting these points.

apt (apt), adj. suitable; pertinent; appropriate; liable; inclined; ready; expert; quick of apprehension.

apteral (ap'te-ral), adj. without wings; without side-columns.

apterous (ap'te-rus), adj. destitute of wings, or wing-like expansions.

apteryx (ap'te-riks;, n. a wingless and tailless bird peculiar to New Zealand. [Greek.]

aptitude (ap'ti-tud), n. capacity for anything; fitness; tendency; readiness in learning.

aqua (a'kwa), n. a Latin term much used in pharmacy in the abbreviated form of Aq., and denoting the addition of water.

aqua ammonite (am-mo'ni-6), water containing an infusion of ammonia- gas.

aquafortis (a'kwa-for'tis),' n. (strong water), impure nitric acid.

aquamarine (a'kwa-ma-ren'), n. a pale bluish-green variety of beryl; a color resembling the semi-precious beryl. Found largely in Russia.

aqua regla (re'ji-a), n. (royal water), a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, capable of dissolving gold.

aqua yitse (vl'te), n. (water of life), un- rectified alcohol; brandy and other ardent spirits.

aquarium (a-kwar'i-um), n. [pi. aquaria (a-kwar'i-a) & aquariums (a-kwar'i-umz)], a tank or globe for the keeping and cultivation of aquatic plants and animals; a series of such receptacles.

aquatic (a-kwat'jk), adj. pertaining to water; growing or living in or upon water; performed in or upon water, as sports: n. an animal or plant inhabiting water; pi. aquatic sports.

aquatint (a'kwa-tint), n. a species of etching resembling a water-color drawing in India ink or in sepia: an engraving produced by this process: v.l. to etch or engrave in aquatint.

aqueduct (ak'we-dukt), n. a structure in the form of 8 conduit or artificial channel for conducting water from a source, as for the supply of a large city.

aqueous (a'kwe-us), adj. of the nature of or abounding in, water; AQUIFORM

ate, Urm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon, book; 4S


watery-; formed in or by means of water.

aqulform (a'kwi-f6rm), adj. having the form of water; liquid.

aquiline (ak'wi-lin & -lin), adj. belonging to or resembling ar. eagle; curved, as the beak of an eagle.

Arab (ar'ab), 11. a native of Arabia; a desert-dweller; one of the Arabic races spread over the African and Syrian deserts; a homeless street- urchin or outcast: adj. pertaining to Arabia or the Arabs.

arabesque (ar-a-besk'), n. the style of Arabic decorative art, which consists of the painting, inlaying, or carving in low relief of figures of plants, fruits, flowers, and foliage, variously combined or fantastically grouped: adj. pertaining to or exhibiting the arabesque style of ornamentation.

Arabic numerals (ar'a-bik num'cT- alz), the figures 0, 1, 2, 3, &c., of East Indian origin, used by the Arabs and introduced into Europe in the sixth century by Boethius.

arable (ar'a-bl), adj. fit for the plow; suited to the purposes of cultivation.

arbiter (iir'bi-ter), n. an umpire or judge; an arbitrator.

arbitrament (ar-bit'ra-ment), ?i. the decision of arbitrators; an award.

arbitrarily (ar-bi-tra'ri-li), adv. in a capricious manner; imperiously.

arbitrary (iir'bi-trar-i), adj. depending on the will of the arbiter; discretionary; capricious; imperious.

arbitrate (iir'bi-trat), v.i. to act as arbiter; to settle a dispute, as an umpire; mediate.

arbitration Uir-bi-tra'shun), n. the settlement of a dispute by an umpire.

arbitrator (ar'bi-tra-t6r), n. one chosen by the parties in a dispute to settle it; an umpire.

arbor (ar'ber), n. a bower; a shaded nook or walk.

Arbor Day (da), a day legally set apart in most States and Territories for planting trees. The date is not uniform but usually falls in April or May.

arboraceous (ar-bo-ra'shus), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, a tree or trees; living on or among trees.

arboreous (ar-bo're-us) or arboreal (ar-bo're-al), adj. pertaining to trees; wooded.

arbqresoenoe (iir-bo-res'ens), n. something having the shape of a tree, as certain crystals.

arborescent (ar-bo-res'ent), adj. treelike.

arboretum (ar-bo-re'tum), n. [pi. arboreta (ar-bo-re'ta) & arboretums (ar-bo-re'tumz)l, a place in which rare trees are cultivated and exhibited.

arboriculture (ar-ber-i-kul'tur), n. the cultivation of trees.

arborisation or arborization (ar-her- :-za'shun), n. a tree-like appearance.

arborise (ar-bcr-e-za'), adj. marked like the brandling of trees, as agates, enamels, &c. [French.]

arborons (ar'ber-us), adj. having the appearance or nature of an arbor.

arbor-vitae (iir-ber-vl'te), n. "tree of life," an evergreen tree extensively cultivated in parks and gardens.

arc (ark), n. a curved line or any part of a curve forming the segment of a circle; the portion of a circle described by the sun or any heavenly body in its apparent passage through the heavens.

arc-lamp (ark-lamp), n. a lamp having a luminous bridge or arc.

arc-light (ark-lit), a light produced by a current of electricity passing between t'vo carbon points placed at a short distance from each other.

arcade (ar-kad'), n. a series of arches supported by pillars; an arched gallery, or promenade, lined with shops.

Arcadian (ar-ka'di-an), adj. rurally simple. I'rom the great rustic territory, the Greek Arcadia.

arcanum (ar-ka'num), n. \pl. arcana (ar-ka'na)J, a secret; a mystery; a valuable elixir. [Latin.]

arch (arch), n. structure of brick or masonry, the component wedge- shaped parts of which follow a curved line; any curvature having the form of an arch: i'.f. to cover with an arch or arches; to bend or curve into the form of an arch: v.i. to form an arch or arches; curve: adj. chief; of the first rank; cunning; crafty; shrewd; waggish; mischievous; roguish; sportive; coy.

archaeological (ar-ke-o-loj'i-kal), adj. ARCH.EOLOGICALLY

ate, iirm, at. awl; me, merge, met; mite, mil; note, north, not; buon, book; 49


pertaining to the study of antiquities.

archaeologieally (ar-ke-o-loj'i-ka-li), adv. in accordance with the science of antiquities.

archaeologist or archeologist (ar-ke- ol'6-jist), n. one versed in the study of ancient things; an antiquarian.

archaeology or archeology (ar-ke-pl'- 6-ji), n. the science of antiquities; the study of prehistoric remains, or the relics of the earlier races of mankind, as the Ugro-Finnic, the Egyptian, the Phoenician, the Assyrian, the Greek, and the Roman.

archaic (ar-ka'ik), adj. pertaining to a remote period: characterized by antiquity; old-fashioned; antiquated.

archaism (ar'kii-izm), n. antiquity of style or use; an antiquated, old- fashioned, or obsolete word, expression, or idicin.

archangel (ark-an'jel), n. an angel of the highest order.

archangelic (ark-an-jel'ik), adj. pertaining to archangels.

archbishop (arch-bish'up), n. a chief bishop, one who supervises the bishops in his province, and also exercises episcopal authority in his own diocese.

archbishopric (arch-bish'up-rik), n. the jurisdiction, office, or see of an archbishop.

arch-board (arch'bord), n. the portion of the stern over the counter of a ship.

arch-brick (arch'brik), n. a wedge- shaped brick used in the construction of arches.

archdeacon (arch-de'kn), n. dignitary ranking next below a bishop, and one who acts as his vicar or vicegerent.

archdeaconry (arch-de'kn-ri), n. the place of residence of an archdeacon.

archdiaconate (arch-di-a'ko-nut). n. the office, rank, or jurisdiction of an archdeacon.

archducal (arch-du'kal), adj. pertaining to an archduke or an archduchy.

archduchess (iirch-duch'es), n. the wife of an archduke; a daughter of the Emperor of Austria.

archduchy (arch-duch'i), n. [pi. archduchies (arch-duch'iz)j, the territory or rank of an archduke or archduchess.

archduke (arch-duk'), n. a prince of the imperial house of Austria.

archdukedom (arch-dfik'dom), n. the dignity or territory of an archduke.

archeblosls (ar-ke-bi-6'sis), n. the alleged origination of living from non-living matter; abiogencsis.

archegony (ar-keg'o-ni), n. the doctrine of the origin of life.

archenemy (arch-cn'e-mi), n. a chief enemy; Satan.

archer (ar'cher), n. a bowman; one skilled in the use of the bow and arrow.

archer-fish (ar'cher-fish), n. a scaly- finned fish of the Java seas, which catches insects by darting drops of water upon them.

archery (iir'cher-i), n. the art, practice, or skill of one who uses the bow and arrow.

archetype (ar'ke-tip), n. the original type or pattern upon or after which a thing is made; a model; the original or fundamental type-structure from which a natural group of plants or animals are assumed to have descended; the original manuscript from which all copies or all of a set of copies were made. Such a group is called a "family."

archetypic (ar-ke-tip'ik), archetypal (iir-ke-ti'pal), or archetypical (iir- kc-tip'i-kal), adj. of or pertaining to an archetype.

archetyplcally (ar-ke-tip'i-ka-li), adj. after the manner of an archetype.

archlepiscopacy (ar-ki-e-pis'ko-pa-si), n. the rule or dignity of an archbishop.

archiepiscopal (ar-ki-S-pis'ko-pal), adj. pertaining to an archbishop or to his office.

archlepiscopate. See archiepiscopacy.

arching (arching), adj. curving like an arch: n. arched work.

archlpelagic (ar-ki-pe-laj'ik), adj. pertaining to a collection of islands with the sea dividing them.

archipelago (ar-ki-pel'a-go), n. \pl. archipelagoes & -gos (ar-ki-pel a- goz)], any sea or body of salt water interspersed with numerous islands; the island-group itself. [Greek.]

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