Saturday, May 16, 2009

abdicate - access

contraction; a compendium or abridgment.

abdicate (ab'di-kat), v.t. renounce, give up, or withdraw from; to relinquish the crown in favor of a successor.

abdication (ab-di-ka'shun), n. the act of relinquishment or resignation, as when the member of a royal family abdicates either high station or the right to inherit such station. Thus Charles V., of the Holy Roman Empire, abdicated and went into a monastery': and so, in our own times. King Milan of Servia abdicated his throne and spent the rest of his evil life in the gambling halls of Paris.

abdlcator (ab'di-ka-ter), n. one who abdicates or resigns.

abdomen (ab-do'men), n. the belly; the cavity containing the digestive apparatus or viscera: the posterior segment or third division of the body of an insect.

abdominal (ab-dom'i-nal), adj. pertaining to the abdomen.

abduce (ab-dus'). v.t. to draw away by persuasion or argument; draw aside by an abductor muscle.

abduct (ab-dukt'), v.t. to carry off by stealth or force; kidnap.

abduction (ab-duk'shun), n. the act of abducting or kidnapping.

abductor (ab-duk'ter), n. one who, or that which, abducts; a muscle moving certain parts from the axis of a limb.

abeam fa-bem'), adv. at right angles to the keel of a ship.

abed (a-bed'), adv. in bed; to bed.

aberration (ab^er-ra'shun), n. the act of departing from the usual path, type, or standard; mental derangement.

abet (a-bet'). v.t. [p.t. & p.p. abetted. abetting], to encourage; to aid or assist in the performance of an act, usually of a criminal nature; to incite, or instigate.

abetment (a-bel'ment). n. the act of abetting or instigating to action or crime.

abetter or abettor (a-bet'er), n. one who aids or abets in the commission of a crime; one who protects a criminal or assists him to escape from justice.


abeyance (a-ba'ans), n. held or kept back; held over; a state of suspension.

abhor (ab-hor'). v.l. \p.t. & p.p. abhorred, abhorring], to hate, loathe, execrate, abominate; be strongly averse to.

abhorrence (ab-hor'rens), n. detestation; extreme hatred; that which excites a feeling of strong repugnance.

abhorrent (ab-hor'rent), adj. detestable, hateful, repulsive.

abhorrer (ab-hor'rer), n. one who abhors or detests.

abide (a-bld'), [p.t. & p.p. abode, abiding], v.t. to await, endure, withstand, tolerate: v.i. to dwell, reside, continue, stand firm.

abiding (a-bl'ding), p.adj. remaining; staying; steadfast, in faith or in purpose.

ability (a-bil'i-ti), n. power to perform; skill to achieve; capability for carrying out; capacity to devise; receive, retain, or make use of; physical or moral strength; talents or gifts, in a special or general degree; wealth; means.

abintestate (ab-in-tes'tat), adj. succeeding to the estate of a person dying without a will.

abiogenesis (ab-MJ-jen'e-eis), n. spontaneous generation, a doctrine now obsolete.

abject (ab'jekt), adj. worthless; mean; low; despicable; in a sunken or degraded condition.

abjection (ab-jek'shun), n. the act of being cast down; cast away; degradation.

abjuration (ab-ju-ra'shun), n. an oath of renunciation, as of allegiance; the act of renouncing.

abjure (ab-jur'), v.t. to renounce upon oath; forswear allegiance to; repudiate or recant.

ablactation (ab-lak-ta'shun), n. the act of weaning a child from the breast.

ablation (ab-la'shun),- n. the act of removal or carrying away.

ablative (ab'la-tiv), n. the sixth case in Latin nouns, expressing chiefly separation and instrumentality and sometimes place.

ablaut (ftpTout), n. the change of ABLAZE

fcte, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met: mite, mit; note, north, not; bodn, book;


vowel in the base of a word, as do, did. [German.]

ablaze (a-blaz'), adv. or adj. on fire; well alight; in a blaze; eager; inflamed with desire; resplendent.

able (a'bl), adj. possessed of power, means, or ability; qualified, competent; bodily or mentally strong; legally authorized or entitled.

able-bodied (a'bl-bod'id), adj. possessed of physical strength; capable or efficient for duty.

ablegate (ab'le-gat), n. the envoy sent by the Pope with insignia, Ac., to newly-appointed cardinals.

abloom (a-bloom'), adv. & adj. in bloom.

abluent (ablu-ent), adj. cleansing: n. that which cleanses; a substance which purifies the blood.

ablution (ab-lu'shun), n. a washing or cleansing of the body by water; moral purification.

ablutiqnary (ab-lu'shun-a-ri), adj. pertaining to cleansing.

abnegate (ab'ne-gat), v.t. to refuse or deny to one's self.

abnormal (ab-nor'mal), adj. irregular; deformed; unnatural; departure from a type, standard, or rule; exceptional; out of the common.

abnormality (ab-n6r-mal'i-ti), n. [vl. abnormalities (ab-nor-mal'i-tiz)], the state or condition of being abnormal or irregular; difference or departure from a regular type or rule.

abnormally (ab-n6r'ma-li), adv. in an abnormal manner.

abnormity (ab-n&r'mi-ti), n. [pi. abnormities (ab-nor'mi-tiz)], deformity; irregularity.

aboard (a-bord'), adv. on or within a vessel: prep, into a ship.

abode (a-bod'), n. a place of continued residence; a dwelling; a habitation; residence generally.

abolish (a-bol'ish), v.t. to efface; do away with; put an end to.

abolition (ab-o-lish'un), n. the act of abolishing; the state of being abolished: the annulment or abrogation of decrees, rites, customs, &c.

abolitionism (ab-o-lish'un-izm), n. the doctrine or principles of those advocating the abolition of certain laws or customs, as the traffic in drink, slaves, &c.

abolitionist (ab-6-lish'un-ist), n. one who is in favor of the repeal or abolition of some existing law or custom, as the slave trade or drink traffic.

aboma (a-b6'ma), n. the name of a large species of boa or anaconda of tropical America.

abominable (a-bom'i-na-bl), adj. ha.te- ful; odious; offensive; unclean.

abominate (a-bom'i-nat), v.t. to abhor; regard with feelings of disgust or hatred.

abomination (a-bom-i-na'shun), n. excessive hatred; the act of abominating; the thing abominated; defilement; pollution.

aboriginal (ab-6-rij'i-nal), adj. original: primitive; existing from the beginning: n. the species of animals or plants presumed to have originated within a given area.

aborigines (ab-o-rij'i-nez), the first or primitive inhabitants of a country; the native or indigenous animals or plants of any geographical area.

abort (a-b6rt'), v.i. to miscarry in birth; to remain undeveloped.

aborted (a-b6r'ted), p.adj. prematurely born; checked or arrested in development; functionally imperfect.

abortion (a-b6r'shun), n. untimely birth; miscarriage; that which falls short of maturity by arrest of development.

abortionist (a-bor'shun-ist), n. one who is guilty of the crime of pro-, curing a criminal abortion, or who induces abortion.

abortive (a-b&r'tiv), adj. born imperfect; arrested in development; without issue or result.

abound (a-bound'), v.i. to have in plenty or abundance; to exist in peat numbers or quantity (followed by in).

about (a-bout'), adv. around; on every side; circuitously; near to; intending: prep, concerned in; relating to.

above (a-buv'), adv. in a higher place; overhead; in heaven; before; besides: prep, superior: beyond: in excess of.

aboveboard (a-buv'bord), adj. & adv. in open sight; without trickery.

abradant (ab-ra'dant), adj. having ABRADE

ate, arm, at, awl; mg, mgrge, met; mite, mil: note, north, not; boon, book;


the property of rubbing away: n. substance employed for abrading or scouring.

abrade (ab-rad'), v.t. to wear 9r rub away; to remove as by friction or abrasion; to corrode, aa by acids.

abrasion (ab-ra'zhun), n. the act of wearing or rubbing away: a chafe.

abreast (a-brest'), adv. side by side; in line with; opposite to; at the same level.

abridge (a-brij'). v.t. to curtail, shorten, condense, epitomize.

abridgment (a-brij'ment), n. the state of being contracted or curtailed; an epitome.

abroach (a-broch'), adv. & adj. letting out; placed in position for yielding the contents.

abroad (a-brawd'), adv. widely; expansively: beyond the limits of house or country; wide of the mark.

abrogate (ab'ro-gat), v.t. to abolish, annul, or repeal by authority.

abrogation (ab-ro-ga'shun), n. the act of abrogating; the repeal or annulling of a law.

abrogator (ab'ro-ga-t6r), n. one who repeals by authority.

abrupt (ab-rupt/), adj. broken; terminating suddenly; steep; precipitous; rough; unceremonious.

abruption (ab-rup'shun), n. a separation with violence; a sudden or abrupt termination.

abscess (ab'ses), n. [pi. abscesses (ab'ses-ez)], a collection of morbid matter or pus in the tissues of the body.

abscission (ab-sizh'un), n. the act of severance; the breaking off in a sentence, leaving the rest to be implied.

abscond (ab-skond'), v.i. to flee or retire in haste from the place of one's residence or post of duty; quit the country in secret.

absence (ab'sens), n. the state of being absent; the period of being absent.

absent (ab'sent), adj. not present; away; wanting; regardless; abstracted: (ab-sent'), v.t. to retire or keep away from.

absentee (ab-sen-te'), n. one who is absent or absents himself purposely from home or duty.

absenteeism (ab-sen-te'izm), n. the state or custom of living away from one's country or estate.

absently (ab'sent-li), adv. in an abstracted manner.

absinthe (English ab'sinth; French ab-sangt')i n. wormwood; a bitter aromatic liqueur compounded of brandy and wormwood, largely drunk in France.

abslnthin (ab-ein'thin), n. the bitter principle of wormwood.

absolute (ab'so-lut), adj. free as to condition; perfect in itself; unlimited in power; fixed, irrevocable; despotic; positive: n. the will or power of the Almighty.

absolution (ab-s5-lu shun), n. the act of absolving from the consequences of sin.

absolutism (ab'so-lu-tizm), n. the state of being absolute; the principle or system of absolute government.

absolutist (ab'so-lut-ist), n. a supporter or advocate of despotic or absolute government.

absolvatory (ab-sol'va-to-ri), adj. containing or conferring absolution; having power to pardon or absolve.

absolve (ab-aolv'), v.t. to release or set free; clear of crime or guilt; to forgive or remit.

absorb (ab-s6rb'), v.t. to drink in: imbibe; suck or swallow up; engross or engage wholly.

absorbability (ab-s6r-ba-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being absorb- able.

absorbable (ab-s6r'ba-bl), adj. capable of being absorbed.

absorbency (ab-s6r'ben-si), n. capacity for absorbing.

absorbent (ab-sor'bent), adj. absorbing: n. the capacity for absorbing; anything which absorbs or takes in nutritive matter; a vessel in the body; a substance capable of absorbing or withdrawing gases or moisture from the air.

absorptiometer (ab-s6rp-shi-om'e- ter), n. an instrument to show the amount of gas absorbed by a unit volume of a fluid.

absorption (ab-s6rp'shun), n. the process or act of absorbing; the state of being absorbed; entire occupation of the mind.

flte, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nflrtli, not; boon, book:



absorption-bands (-bandz). the dark bands in the spectrum, more or less wide, and not usually sharply defined.

absorption-lines (-tins), ,/./)/. dark lines in the spectrum produced by the absorption of cool vapors through which the light has passed.

absorptive (ab-sorp'tiv), adj. having power or capacity for absorption.

absorptivity (ab-sorp-tiv'i-ti), n. the power of absorption.

abstain (ab-stan'), v.t. to forbear; refrain; hold aloof; keep away from.

abstainer (atHstan'er), n. one who abstains, especially from intoxicants.

abstemious (ab^ste'mi-us), adj. moderate and sparing in the use of food and drink; non-indulgent.

abstention (ab-sten'shun), n. the act of holding off or abstaining.

abstentionlst (ab-sten'shun-ist), n. one who favors or practices abstention.

abstentions (ab-sten'shus), adj. characterized by abstention.

abstergent (ab-steVjent), adj. possessing cleansing or purging properties: n.that which cleanses or purges; a detergent.

abstersion (ab-ster'shun), n. the act of wiping clean; the act of cleansing by the use of abstergents.

abstersive (ab-stSr'siv), adj. cleansing; of the nature or quality of an abstergent : n. that which cleanses or purifies.

abstinence (ab'sti-nens), n. the act or practice of abstaining; self-denial; partial or total forbearance from the use of food or drink.

abstinent (ab'sti-nent), adj. refraining from over-indulgence, especially with regard to food and drinlc: n. an abstainer.

abstract (ab-strakt'), v.t. to take or draw away; separate; purloin or steal: epitomize; separate from and consider apart.

abstract (ab'strakt), n. an epitome; a summary or abstract comprising the essence or principal parts of a larger work: adj. considered or conceived apart from its concrete or material nature, abstract noun, n. the name of a state or quality considered apart from the object to which it belongs.

abstracted (ab-strakt'ed), p.adj. separated; disjoined; refined; abstruse; mentally absent.

abstraction (ab-strak'shun), n. the act of separating or drawing away; the state of being withdrawn or abstracted; concentration of mind or attention.

abstractional (ab-strak'shun-al), adj. pertaining to abstraction.

abstractionist (ab-strak'shun-ist), n. one who deals with abstractions; an idealist; a dreamer.

abstractive (ab-strak'tiv), adj. haying the quality or power of abstraction.

abstractly (ab'strakt-li), adv. in an abstract manner.

abstrahent (ab'stra-hent), ///. abstract; eliminating from unessential or foreign elements.

abstruse (ab-stroos'), adj. obscure; hidden; difficult of comprehension; profound.

absurd (ab-sgrd'), ailj. contrary to reason or sense; ridiculous.

absurdity (ab-ser'di-ti), n. [pi. absurdities (ab-seVdi-tiz)J, the state of being absurd; that which is absurd.

abundance (a-bun'dans), n. in great plenty; an over-flowing quantity; affluence.

abundant (a-bun'dant), adj. plentiful; fully sufficient; abounding.

abuse (a-buz'), v.t. to use ill; treat rudely or wrongfully; to defile or violate; use violent or abusive language towards; vituperate.

abuse ^a-bus'), n. ill-treatment; the excessive or injudicious use of anything; insult; violation.

abusive (a-busiv), adj. practicing or containing abuse.

abut (a-but'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. abutted, abutting], to border upon: touch at one end; terminate. (Used with on, upon, against.)

abutment (a-but'ment). n. that which borders upon something else; the solid structure which supports the extremity of a bridge or arch.

abuzz (a-buz'), adv. filled with buzzing sounds.

abysm (a-bizm'). n. an abyss, a gulf.

abysmal (a-biz'mal), adj. pertaining to an abyss; bottomless.

abyss (a-bis'), n. a bottomless gulf; that which is unfathomable.

ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book;




acacia (a-ka'shi-a), n. a plant of the genus of same name.

academic (ak-a-dem'ik), or academical (ak-a-dem'i-kal), n. a college student or member of a university: adj. belonging-or appertaining to a college or university.

academically (ak-a-dem'i-ka-li), adv. in an academical manner; after the fashion of an academy.

academicals (ak-a-dem'i-kals), //./)/. the costume worn by graduates and undergraduates at a university or a college.

academician (ak-a-de-mish'an), n. a member of an academy or society for promoting the arts, sciences and literature.

academy (a-kad'e-mi), n. a private school or seminary for the teaching of the higher branches of education; a school for instruction in special subjects; an association or society of men eminent in literature, science, and art; a building devoted to academic purposes.

acanthus (a-kan'thus), n. a plant having sharp-toothed leaves; ornamentation adopted in the capitals of the Corinthian and Composite orders, and resembling the foliage of the acanthus.

accede (ak-sed'), v.i. to come or attain to; to agree or yield to.

accelerando (ak-chel-e-ran'do). A term used in music to denote that the movement should be quickened. [Italian.]

accelerate (ak-sel'er-at), v.t. to hasten: to cause to move or progress faster; quicken the speed of; oring nearer in time.

acceleration (ak-sel-cr-a'shun), n. the act of accelerating; the state of being accelerated.

accelerative (ak-sel'er-a-tiv), adj. hastening; tending to increase velocity.

accelerator (ak-sel'er-a-ter), n. that which quickens or accelerates; any method in photography by which a sensitized or chemical plate is exposed for a less time to the light.

acceleratory (ak-sel'er-a-to-ri). adj. accelerating or tending to accelerate.

accent (ak'sent), n. the stress laid by the voice upon a particular syllable of a word, so as to render

it more prominent than the rest; the mark or character used in writing and printing to express the manner of pronouncing a word; a peculiarity of utterance or expression distinguishing the language of different parts or districts of the same or a foreign country; the emphasis placed upon certain notes of a bar of music: v.t. to express the accent, or denote the vocal division of a word by stress or modulation of the voice; to pronounce; mark or accent a word in writing by use of a sign; dwell upon or emphasize, as a passage of music.

accentual (ak-een'tu-al), adj. belonging to accent; rhythmical.

accentuate (ak-sen'tu-at), v.t. to speak; pronounce or mark with an accent; give prominence to in speaking or writing; lay stress upon.

accentuation (ak-sen-tu-a'shun), n. the act of accentuating by stress or accent; the act of speaking (or singing) with emphasis or distinction.

accept (ak-sepf), v.t. to take or receive with approbation; entertain; agree to, or acquiesce in; understand; or receive in a particular sense; to agree or promise to pay.

acceptability (ak-sep-ta-bil'i-ti), or acceptableness (ak-sep'ta-bl-nes), n. the quality of being acceptable or agreeable.

acceptable (ak-sep'ta-bl), adj. capable of giving pleasure or gratification.

acceptance (ak-sep'tans), n. the act of accepting; the fact of being accepted, or received with approbation; the subscription to a bill of exchange; the bill accepted or the sum contained in it.

acceptation (ak-sep-ta'shun), n( the act of accepting, or state of being accepted or acceptable; the meaning or sense of a word or statement in which it is to be understood.

acceptor (ak-sep'tSr), n. one who accepts; the person who accepts a bill of exchange.

access (ak'ses), n. admittance or approach to a person or place; means of approach or admission; addition or increase; the recurrence of fits or paroxysms in diseases.

ate, ttrm, at, awl; me, merge, met: mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, bookj

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