v.i. to agree; suit; be in accordance with.
assortment (as-sort'ment), n. the act of assorting or placing out; a classified collection of articles or goods of a varied character.
assuade (as-swad'), v.t. to present, as advice; urge persuasively.
assuage (as-swaj'), t'-t. to soften; mitigate, allay, lessen, satisfy, or appease.
assuagement (as-swaj'ment), n. mitigation; a lenitive application or medicine.
assume (as-sum'), v.t. to take to; take in or into; take upon one's self; arrogate or appropriate; take for granted; take in appearance; pretend to possess: v.i. to be arrogant; presume; claim more than is one's due; give a legal undertaking; pretend; usurp.
assumpslt (as-sump'sit), n. a verbal or unsealed contract based on a consideration; an action to enforce such a contract. [Latin.]
assumption (as-sump'shun), n. the act of assuming or taking to or upon one's self; taking for granted; the thing supposed; a postulate; the taking up of a person to heaven; a verbal or unsealed contract.
assumptive (as-sump'tiv), adj. assumed, or capable of assumption.
assurable (a-shur'a-bl), adj. capable of being assured or insured.
assurance (a-shur'ans), n. the act of assuring; an earnest or testimony intended or tending to elicit or inspire confidence; certain expectation ; confidence; self-possession; self- reliance; impudence; a deed or other legal evidence of a conveyance of property; a security or contract to make good a loss, or pay over a sum at death or at some determined age.
assure (a-shur'), v.t. to make sure or certain; to inspire confidence by declaration or promise; secure to another; insure, or covenant for indemnity in event of loss or death.
assured (a-shurd'), p.adj. made certain; guaranteed; self-possessed; insured: n. a person insured.
assuredly (a-shur'ed-li), adv. certainly; with assurance.
assuredness (a-shur'ed-nes), n. certainty; full confidence.
assurer (a-shur'er), n. one who assures.
Assyrian (as-sir'i-an), adj. pertaining to Assyria or to its inhabitants.
Assyrlology (as-sir-i-ol'o-ji), n. the science or study of the language and antiquities of Assyria.
astatic (a-stat'ik), adj. without polarity.
astatically (a-stat'i-ka-li), adv. in an astatic manner.
astaticism (a-stat'i-sizm), n. the state of being astatic.
astay (a-sta'), adv. said of an anchor when, on heaving it, the cable makes an acute angle with the level of the water.
Aster (as'ter), n. a genus of flowering- plants with rosette-shaped flowers, to which the Michaelmas-daisy belongs.
aster, n. any plant of the genus Aster.
asterlal (as-te'ri-al), adj. connected with, or related tp,_the stars.
asteriatcd (as-te'ri-a-ted), adj. radiated; having the form of a star.
asterisk (as'ter-isk), n. the mark (*) used in printing as a reference to a marginal passage or footnote appended to the text, or to indicate letters or words omitted (***): v.t. to mark with an asterisk.
asterism (as'ter-izm), n. a group or cluster of stars; three asterisks placed in the form of a triangle [« *» or ** *] to direct attention to a particular passage; the star-like appearance in certain crystals.
astern (a-stern'), adj. & adv. at or toward the hinder part of a ship; behind a ship.
asternal (a-ster'nal), adj. not joined to the sternum or breastbone: said of ribs.
asteroid (as't6r-oid), adj. star-like; star-shaped: n. one of the small planets whose orbits lie between those of Mars and Jupiter; a minor planet.
asthenia (as-the'ni-a), n. debility.
asthenlo (as-then'ik), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, asthenia; feeble.
asthma (ast'ma & as'ma), n. a respiratory disease, chronically recurrent ASTHMATIC
ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mil; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; 61
and attended by difficulty of breathing, with a wheezing cough and a sense of great constriction in the chest.
asthmatic (as-mat'ik) or asthmat- Ical (as-mat'i-kal), adj. pertaining to asthma; affected by asthma: n. a person suffering from the disease.
asthmatlcally (as-mat'i-ka-li), adv. in an asthmatical manner.
astigmatic (as-tig-mat'ik), adj. pertaining to, affected with, or curing astigmatism.
astigmatism (as-tig'ma-tizm), n. a defect in the structure of the eye causing variation of the focus of the crystalline lens.
astir (a-ster'), adv. or adj. on the move; active; stirring.
astomatous (as-tom'a-tus) or asto- mous (as'to-mus), adj. destitute of a mouth; without breathing pores.
astonish (as-ton'ish), v.t. to strike with sudden wonder; surprise; amaze.
astonishment (as-ton'ish-ment), n. the state of being astonished; amazement.
astound (as-tound'), v.t. to strike with amazement; shock; alarm; stun.
astraddle (a-stradl), adv. with one leg on each side of something; astride.
astragal (as'tra-gal), n. a small molding or bead of semicircular form: called also a roundel; the astragalus; the circular molding near the mouth of a cannon.
astragalus (as-trag'al-us), n. [pi. astragali (as-trag'a-li)], the ball of the ankle-joint; the lower bone into which the tibia articulates.
astrakhan (as'tra-kan), n. the skins of young lambs with curly wool, obtained from Astrakhan, a district in Russia; an imitation with a pile resembling this wool or fur.
astral (aw'tral), adj. pertaining to the stars; starry; star-shaped; pertaining to a super-sensible substance presumed by occulists to pervade the regions of space and to enter into the composition of all bodies. astral body (bod'i). n. a kind of ethereal body said by the occultists to be capable of projection to a distance, and to possess the power of
occupying two places at the same instant; a ghost or double.
astral lamp (lamp), n. a lamp similar to an Argand lamp, giving an uninterrupted light.
astral spirits (spir'itz), spirits formerly supposed to inhabit the stars, and represented as fallen angels or spirits of fire.
astray (a-stra'), adv. out of the right way; wandering.
astride (a-strid'), adv. with the legs wide apart; astraddle.
astringency (as-trin'jen-si), n. the quality of being astringent; harshness; severity.
astringent (as-trin'Jent), adj. binding; contracting, opposed to laxative: u. a substance or medicine that produces contraction of the tissues and checks discharges.
astrolabe (as'tro-lab), n. an instrument formerly employed for taking the altitude of the sun or stars; a etereographic projection of the sphere on the plane of the equator or a meridian.
astrologer (as-trol'6-jer), n. one who professes to forecast events by means of the stars.
astrological (as-tro-loj'i-kal), adj. pertaining to astrology, or the practice of astrology.
astrologically (as-tro-loj'i-ka-li), adv. in an astrological manner; according to astrology.
astrology (as-trol'6-ji), n. predestination by the stars; the art anciently pursued of foretelling or forecasting the future of mankind, by reference to the influence supposed to be exerted by the stars in their various aspects and relative positions upon the course of human destiny. [Greek.]
astrometer (aa-trom'e-tSr), n. an instrument for ascertaining and comparing the relative magnitude and luster of the stars.
astronomer (as-tron'o-mer), n. one who studies, or is versed in, astronomy.
Astronomer Royal (roi'al), n. the official title of the astronomer in charge of a royal observatory in Great Britain and other parts of the British Empire.
astronomic (as-tro-nom'ik) or astroASTRONOMICAL
Si te, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; 62
nomlcal (as-tro-nom'i-kal), adj. pertaining to astronomy, or according to astronomical laws.
astronomical clock (klok), n. a clock which keeps sidereal time.
astronomical signs (sinz), ;/./)'. the signs of the zodiac.
astronomical year (yer), n. a year the length of which is determined by astronomical observations.
astronomically (as-tro-nom'i-ka-li), adv. in an astronomical manner.
astronomy (as-tron'6-mi), n. the study of the heavenly bodies; the science which treats of their magnitude, motions, relative positions, and all connective phenomena.
astrophotography (as-t ro-f 6-tog'ra- fi), n. photography applied to the delineation of the heavenly bodies.
astrophotometer (as-tro-fo-tom'e- tcr), n. an instrument for measuring the intensity of the light of stars.
astrophysical (as-tro-fiz'i-kal), adj. pertaining to the physical structure of the stars.
astute (as-tuf), adj. shrewd; keenly penetrating; sagacious; cunning; crafty.
asunder (a-sun'der), adv. apart; separately; into parts.
as wail (as'wal), n. the sloth-bear of India.
asylum (a-si'lum), n. \pl. asylums (a-sl'lumz)j, a sanctuary or place of refuge wherein formerly criminals and debtors might find immunity from arrest; an institution for the care or relief of the aged, destitute, or afflicted.
asymmetrical (a-si-mct'ri-kal), adj. not symmetrical; disproportionate.
asymmetrically (a-si-met'ri-ka-li), adv. not symmetrical.
asymmetry (a-sim'e-tri), n. lack of symmetry or proportion between the parts of a thing.
asyndeton (a-sin'de-ton), n. a figure of speech which omits connectives, as "I came, I saw, I conquered." The same as parataxis.
atavism (at'a-vizm), n. the reversion, or tendency to revert, to the ancestral type of a species; resemblance to a remote ancestor, exhibited by a certain organism; the recurrence of any peculiarity or disease from
which an ancestor in remote generations has suffered.
atavistic (at-a-vis'tik), adj. of, or pertaining to, atavism.
ataxia (a-tak'si-a), n. irregularities in the functions of the body or in the course of a disease.
ataxiagraph (a-taks'i-a-graf), n. an instrument for recording by curves and lines the irregularities caused by ataxia.
ataxlc (a-tak'sik), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, ataxia.
ataxlc fever (fe'verj, n. typhus fever of a malignant type.
ate (at), p.t. of cat.
atelier (a-tel-ya'), n. a workshop; the studio of a painter or sculptor. [French.]
atheism (a'the-izm), n. disbelief in the existence of a God.
atheist (a'the-ist), n. one who disbelieves or denies the existence of a God. [Greek.]
atheistic (a-the-is'tik), adj. pertaining to. containing, or implying atheism.
atheistically (a-thc-is'ti-ka-li), adv. in an atheistic manner; impiously.
Athene (a-the'ne), n. a Greek goddess corresponding to the Roman Minerva.
atheneum, athenaeum (ath-e-ne'- um), n. [pi. atheneums (ath-e-ne'- umz) & atnenxa (ath-e-ne'a)], an institution, club, or building devoted to the purposes or study of literature, science and art.
athermanous (a-ther'ma-nus), adj. impervious to radiant heat.
athlrst (a-therst'), adj. thirsty; in want of drink.
athlete (ath'lct), n. a competitor for a prize in public games; one trained to contend in feats of physical prowess; one possessed of great physical strength. [Greek.]
athletic (ath-let'ik), adj. pertaining to athletes, or their performances; strong; robust; vigorous; muscular.
athletically (ath-let i-ka-li), adv. in an athletic manner.
athleticism (ath-let'i-sizm), n. the practice of athlet ic games or exercises.
athletics (ath-let'iks), n. any system of athletic training by gymnastic exercises or outdoor sports; athletic exercises collectively.
ate, arm, at. awl; ine, merge, met; mite, rait: note, nOrth, not; boon, book; 63
athwart (a-thwawrt'), prep, across; from side to side: adv. crosswise; obliquely; across the course or direction of a ship.
athwart-ships (a-thwawrt'ships), adv. phr. across a ship from one side to the other.
atllt (a-tilt'), adv. & adj. in the position or with the action of a person making a thrust; tilted.
Atlantes (afr-lan'tez), figures or half-figures of men, used in place of columns or pilasters to support an entablature.
atlas (at'las), n. [pi. atlases (atlas-cz)], a collection of maps in a volume; a work in tabulated form; a large size of drawing-paper.
atlas-powder (at'las-pou'der), n. a powerful nitro-glycerine blasting compound.
atmldometer (at-mi-dom'e-ter), n. an instrument for measuring the evaporation from ice, snow, or water. [Greek.]
atmology (at-mol'6-ji), n. the science of aqueous vapor, its laws and phenomena.
atmometer (at-mom'e-ter), n. an instrument for measuring the rate and amount of evaporation from a moist surface.
atmosphere (at'mos-fer), n. the aeriform fluid surrounding the earth, composed of a mechanical mixture of 79 parts by volume of nitrogen with 21 parts of oxygen, and a trace of carbonic acid and argon, with a varying proportion of aqueous vapor, ammonia, ozone, and organic matter; the gaseous envelope surrounding any of the heavenly bodies; the influence, mental and moral, exerted on a person by his environment. [Greek.]
atmospheric (at-mos-fer'ik) or atmospherical (at-mos-fcr'i-kal), adj. pertaining to, resembling, or consisting of, existing in, or dependent upon, the atmosphere.
atmospheric pressure (prcsh'er), n. the pressure exerted in every direction upon a body by the atmosphere; equivalent to 14| Ib. on the sq. in., or 1,033 grams on the sq. centimeter. atoll (a-tol'), n. a coral island having
the form of an outer ring of coral surrounding a basin or lagoon.
atom (at'um), n. an ultimate indivisible particle of matter. [Greek.]
atomic (a-tom'ik) or atomlcal (a-tqm'i-kal), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, atoms; extremely minute.
atomic weight (wat), n. the weight of the atom of any element as compared with another taken as a standard, usually hydrogen, taken as 1.
atomleally (a-tom'i-ka-li), adv. in an atomic manner.
atomicity (at-o-mis'i-ti), n. equivalence; the combining capacity of an element.
atomist (at'um-ist), n. one who believes that the world was composed and first came into existence from the downfall and swerve of innumerable atoms.
atomize (at'um-iz), v.t. to reduce to atoms or exceedingly fine particles.
atomizer (at'um-I-zer), n. an instrument constructed to reduce a liquid to spray.
atonable (a-ton'a-bl), adj. capable of being atoned for.
atone (a-ton'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. atoned, atoning], to make reparation or amends, as for injury done or implied; expiate; make satisfaction for; reconcile.
atonement (a-ton'ment), n. reparation or satisfaction offered or made in return for injury; expiation of wrong or sin by suffering; the recompense for sin typified by the sufferings and death of Christ; reconciliation.
atonic (a-ton'ik), adj. wanting tone, or vital energy; unaccented: n. an unaccented word or syllable; a medicine to allay excitement.
atony (at'o-ni), n. want of tone; debility; weakness of any organ.
atrip (a-trip'), adv. just clear of the ground.
atrium (a'tri-um), n. [pi. atria (a'- tria)], the square entrance-hall, lighted from above, constituting the chief apartment in an ancient Roman nouse; a hall or entrance- court; the auricular portion of the heart. [Latin.]
ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book;
atrocious (a-tro'shus), adj. wicked in the highest degree; extremely criminal or cruel; outrageous; exhibiting great atrocity; flagrant.
atrocity (a-tros'i-ti), n. [pi. atrocities (a-tros'i-tiz)], enormous wickedness; abominable cruelty; an atrocious deed.
atrophy (at'ro-fi), n. a wasting, or diminution in bulk, of the body, or any part of the body arising from lack of nourishment; the degeneration of an organ or part: v.i. [p.t. & p.p. atrophied, atrophying], to waste away; to dwindle.
atropln (at'ro-pin) or atropine (-pin), n. a crystalline alkaloia of a very poisonous nature extracted from the deadly nightshade (belladonna), having the property of producing a pronounced dilatation of the pupil of the eye.
atropism (at'ro-pizm), n. poisoning by atropine or belladonna.
attach (at-tach'), v.t. to fasten, or fix, to or on; bind; connect with or appoint to; connect by ties of affection; to take, or seize, by legal authority: v.i. to adhere.
attachi' (at-ta-sha'), n. one who ia attached to another; or, as part of a suite or staff, to an embassy or legation. [French.]
attachment (at-tach'ment), n. the act of attaching; adherence; fidelity; affection or regard; that which at- taches, or the thing which is attached; a taking into custody or seizure of the person, goods, or estate by virtue of a legal process.
attack (at-tak'), v.t. to assault; fall upon with force; assail with intent to overcome or to damage, discredit, or bring into ridicule; begin to affect or act upon, as disease: v.i. to make an onset or attack: n. the act of attacking in any sense of the word.
attain (at-tan'), v.t. to achieve; gain; compass; accomplish: v.i. to reach; come, or arrive at.
attainable (at-ta'na-bl), adj. capable of being attained.
attainableness (at-ta'na-bl-nes), n. the quality of being attainable.
attainder (at-tan'der), n. the act of attainting, or the state of being attainted; an act, formerly in opera
tion, for the deprivation of all civil rights and of power to inherit or transmit property: applied to persons under sentence of death or outlawry for treason or felony.
attainment (at-tan'ment), n. the act of attaining; the act of arriving at or reaching, as the result of exertion or effort; that which is attained; an acquisition.
attaint (at-tanf), v.t. to taint; corrupt ; sully or stain by disgrace.
attar of roses (at'ar of roz'ez), n. an essential oil expressed from the petals of the rose. Written also atar, ottar, and otto.
attemper (at-tem'per), v.t. to reduce, modify, or moderate by mixture; regulate; temper; smooth, soften, or mollify; mix in proper proportion; fit or adapt.
attempt (at-tempt'), v-t. to make an effort to accomplish; try; endeavor or essay to perform; try to win or seduce; attack, or invade: n. a trial, essay, or endeavor; an effort to gain a point; an attack or assault.
attend (at-tend'). v.t. [p.l. & p.p. -ed, -ing], to wait upon; accompany or be present wi th; serve or look after in any capacity; be present at; accompany or ... v.i. to pay heed or regard to; listen; be in attendance upon.
attendance (at-ten'dans), n. the act of attending; waiting on; presence; the persons attending; retinue.
attendant (at-ten'dant), n. one who attends or accompanies in service or train of another; one who is present; that which attends or is consequent upon anything else: adj. accompanying; being present; connected or consequent upon; depending on or owing duty or service to.
attention (at-ten'shun), n. the act of applying the mind to anything; consideration or regard for any person or thing; a mark or act of civility or courtesy; care for the comfort of others; an officer's command to assume the attitude of attention.
attentive (at-ten'tiv), adj. heedful; full of attention; intent; mindful; regardful of the wishes of others.
attenuant (at-ten'u-ant), "(/. mak-
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
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