Saturday, May 16, 2009

all along - ambassador

entire possessions: adv. wholly; entirely; completely.

all along(a-16ng'),adt>.pAr. throughout.

all but (but), adv.phr. everything but; almost.

all-fours (awl-f6rz'), n. a game of cards which comprises four points or chances for scoring: adv. on hands and knees.

all-hail (awl-haT),.inter?, all health! A phrase of salutation.

All-hall owe'en (awl-hal-o-en'), n. the evening before All Saints' Day. It is associated with many quaint legends and superstitions.

All-hallows (awl-hal'oz), All Saints' Day, celebrated on the first of November, in honor of all the saints.

all one (wun), adj. & n. in effect the same; quite the same.

all-round (awl-round'), adj. versatile; capable of doing anything; many- sided.

all-sorts (awl-s6rts'), n. remnants of various liquors blended together.

All Souls' Day (solz da), n. the day, celebrated on the second of November by the Catholic Church, in honor of the departed.

all told (told), adv. all counted.

Allah (al'la), n. the Arabic name for the Supreme Being, in use among the Mohammedans.

allay (al-la'), i-.l. to quiet or calm; assuage; appease; abate; mitigate; relieve; as pain or grief.

allegation (al-e-ga'shun). n. the act of alleging; assertion; declaration; that which is asserted or alleged; that which is offered as a plea, an excuse, or justification; the statement of a , party to a suit of that which he is prepared to prove.

allege (al-lej'), v.t. to produce or adduce as argument, plea, or excuse; affirm; declare; assert.

allegeable (al-lej 'a-bl), adj. that may be alleged or affirmed.

allegiance (al-le'jans), n. the tie or obligation of a subject to his sovereign or government; fealty; fidelity to a cause or person.

allegoric (al-e-gor'ik) or allegorical (aT-e^-gor'i-kal), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or in the nature of allegory; figurative.

allegorical!? (al-e-gor'i-ka-li), adv.

figuratively; in an allegorical manner.

allegorize (al'e-go-riz), v.t. to turn into allegory; to treat allegorically; to interpret in an allegorical sense: v.i. to make use of, or indulge in, allegory.

allegory (al'e-go-ri), n. [pi. allegories (aTe-go-riz)], a figurative manner of treating a subject Dy the use of other terms analogous in properties or circumstances; a figurative representation in which the meaning is conveyed symbolically. A famous example of an allegory is Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress."

alleviate (al-le'vi-at), v.l. to lighten; lessen; make easier; mitigate.

alleviation (al-le-vi-a'shun), n. the act of alleviating; that which lessens or lightens.

alleviatlve (al-le'vi-5-tiv), adj. tending to alleviate: n. that which alleviates.

alleviator (al-le'vi-a-tSr), n. one who, or that which, alleviates.

alley (al'i), n. [pi. alleys (al'iz)], a passage; a way (generally narrow); a lane.

alliaceous (al-i-a'shus), adj. of the nature or property of garlic or the onion.

alliance (al-ll'ans), n. the state of being allied; relation or connection by birth or marriage; union between nations.

alligation (al-i-ga'shun), n. a rule for ascertaining the value or price of a compound by determining the relative proportions and prices of the ingredients.

alligator (al'i-ga-ter), n. the American crocodile.

alliteration (al-lit-e-ra'shun), n. the repetition of the same initial letter in closely-succeeding words, or in words directly following each other, as "apt alliteration's artful aid," and "Begot by butchers but 6y bishops bred," said of Cardinal Wolsey. Alliteration preceded rhythm in Anglo-Saxon verse, and it is still effectively used, as by Swinburne and Kipling. The best alliteration is one that involves the repetition of consonants rather than of vowels.

alliterative (al-lit'e-ra-tiv), adj. perALLOCATE

fite, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book;


taining to, or characterized by, alliteration.

allocate (al'6-kat), v.t. to assign or allot; distribute, as in equal or proportionate darts or shares.

allocation (al-6-ka'shun), n. the act of allotting, allocating, or assigning; an allotment or assignment; an allowance made on an account.

allocution (al-o-kQ'shun), n. an address of a formal nature, as that delivered by the Pope to his clergy or to the Church generally.

allodial (a-16'di-al), adj. freehold; not feudal: n. land thus held.

allodium (a-lo'di-um), n. [pi. allodia (a-16'di-a)], freehold estate.

allograph (al'6-graf), n. a signature by one person on behalf of another: opposed to autograph.

allomorphism (al-o-mcVfizm), n. the property in certain substances of assuming a different form while remaining the same in constitution.

allopath (al'o-path), n. one who favors or practices allopathy; an allopathist.

allopathic (al-6-path'ik), adj. pertaining to allopathy.

allopathlcally (al-6-path'ik-a-li), adv. in an allopathic manner.

allopathy (al-op'a-thi), n. a method of treating disease by inducing an action opposite to the disease it is sought to cure; opposed to homeopathy..

alloqulallBm (a-lo'kwi-al-izm), n. a phrase or manner of speech used in addressing.

allot (a-lot'). v.t. [p.t. & p.p. allotted, allotting], to distribute or divide, as by lot; apportion, as shares; assign or grant for a specific purpose.

allotec (al-loMe"), n. one to whom an allotment or share is granted or assigned.

allotment (a-lot'ment), n. the act of allotting; that which is allotted; a portion of land assigned or allotted.

allotroplc (al-6-trop'fk), adj. pertaining to or characterized by allotropy.

allotroplsm (a-lot'ro-pizm), n. diversity of molecular arrangement.

allotropy (a-lot'ro-pi), n. the capability shown by certain chemical elements to assume different forms, each characterized by peculiar qualities, as the occurrence of carbon in

the form of the diamond, charcoal, and plumbago, respectively.

allow, (a-lou;), v.t. to grant, yield; admit; deduct; permit; approve: v.i. to make concession or provision (followed by for).

allowable (a-lou'a-bl), adj. that may be allowed; permissible; lawful; praiseworthy; acceptable.

allowance (a-lou'ans), n. the act of allowing; admission: concession; a, definite sum granted; sanction or approval; abatement or deduction: v.t. to put upon allowance; limit to a fixed expenditure or consumption of money or food.

alloy (a-loi'), v.t. to combine; to form a compound, by fusion, of two or more metals: reduce in standard or quality by mixture, as with a metal of baser value; debase: n. a compound of two or more metals; an admixture of evil with good.

allspice (awl'spis), n. the fruit or berry of the pimento: so named in allusion to its taste being supposed to combine the flavors of other spices.

allude (a-lud'), v.t. to compare: v.i. refer or make an allusion indirectly (with to).

allure (a-liir'), t'.t. to tempt by the offer of something good, real or apparent; entice; attract.

allurement (a-lur'ment), n. the act of alluring, or that which allures.

allusion (a-lu'zhun). < a casual reference; a comparison or reference by symbol or metaphor.

allusive (a-Iu'siv), adj. having reference to something not definitely expressed.

allusory (a-lu'sp-ri), adj. allusive.

alluvial (a-lu'vi-al), adj. pertaining to or composed of alluvium.

alluvion (a-lu'vi-un), «. land added to a shore or river-bank by the action of water.

alluvium (a-lu'vi-um), n. [pi. alluvia (a-lu'vi-a)], a deposit of mingled sand and clay (mud), or of alternating layers of sand and clay, of river origin.

ally (aril'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. allied, allying], to unite by marriage, treaty, league, or confederacy; bind or connect by friendship or resemblance: n. [//,'. allies (a-llz')], one united. ALMAGRA

fite, iirm, nt. awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; 25


related, or associated by these means; a confederate.

almagra (al-ma'gra), n. a. fine deep- red ochre used in India for staining the skin; used also as a paint ana polish (Indian-red).

almanac (awl'ma-nak), n. a year-book or calendar giving the order of the days of the week and month, astronomical data, tide-tables, ecclesiastical festivals and fasts, and other varied information.

almightiness (awl-m!'ti-nes), n. omnipotence; infinite or boundless power.

almighty (awl-mi'ti), adj. possessing all power, omnipotent.

Almighty, n. the omnipotent God.

almond (a'mund), n. the kernel of the fruit of tho almond-tree; anything resembling the almond in shape.

almoner (armun-er), n. one who dispenses or distributes alms or charity; an alms-purse; a poucb or purse which in early times was suspended from the girdle.

almonry (al'mun-ri), n. [pi. almonries (al'mun-riz)], the residence of the almoner; place where alms are dispensed.

almost (awl'most), adv. nearly; very nearly; well-nigh; all but.

alms (amz), n.sing. [used sometimes as] the act of relieving by charitable aid; that which is bestowed in charity.

alms-house (amz-hous), n. a house endowed by private or public charity and appropriated to the use of the poor.

mloe (al'o), n. [pi. aloes (al'oz)l, the

common name for succulent plants,

natives of the warm climates of the

Old World, and especially of the

southern part of Africa.

aloes (al'oz), n. a drug, the inspissated juice of several species of aloe, and obtained from the leaves; the fragrant resin or wood of the agallo- clmm.

aloft (a-loft'), adv. on high; far above the earth; at the mast-head, or on the higher yards or rigging.

lone (a-lon'). adj. & adv. without or apart from another; single or singly; only; separately; by itself. along (a-16ng'), prep. & adv. by the

length; lengthwise; in a line parallel with the length; onward.

alongside (a-l6ng'sld), adv. by the side; side by side.

aloof (a-loof')i '"'" at a moderate distance but within sight; purposely keeping apart.

alopecia (al-o-pe'si-a), or alopecy (a-lo'pe-si), 7i. baldness; loss ofhair through skin disease. [Greek.]

alopeclst (al-6'pes-ist and aI-6-pe sist), n. one who undertakes the cure or prevention of baldness.

aloud (a-loud'), adv. with raised voice; loudly; with a great noise; audibly.

alpaca (al-pak'a), n. a mammal, closely allied to the llama, a native of the Andes of Chili and Peru; the fabric constructed from the long, soft, silky wool of the alpaca.

alpen-glow (al pen-glo), n. a peculiar purple gleam on the snow on the Alps seen just before sunrise and after sunset.

alpen-horn (al'pen-hdrn), n. a long and nearly straight horn used by the mountaineers of the Alps.

alpen-stock (al'pen-stok), n. a stout staff, furnished with an iron spike, used by mountain-climbers.

alphabet (al'fa-bet), n. the letters of a language arranged in the customary order; the first rudiments of any branch of knowledge.


alphabetically (al-fa-bet'i-ka-li), adv. in an alphabetical order or manner.

alphabetize (al'fa-bet-iz), r.L to arrange in alphabetical order, i.e. in a sequence following the order of tne letters of the alphabet.

already (awl-red'i), adj. quite ready; fully prepared: adv. by, at, or before, a specified time.

also (awl'so), adv. & conj. wholly so; in like manner; likewise; further, or in addition to.

altar (awl'tar), n. a raised place, structure, or elevation, whether of earth or stone, for the offering of sacrifices or burning of incense; the Communion-table; a place of worship.

ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met: inite. mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book;


altazimuth (alt-az'i-muth), n. an instrument employed to determine the altitudes and azimuths of the heavenly bodies.

alter (awl'ter), v.t. to effect some change in; modify or vary; change entirely or materially.

alterable (awl'ter-a-ble), adj. capable of being altered; liable to change.

alterant (awl'ter-ant), adj. producing or effecting change: n. a substance used in dyeing to change or modify a color.

alteration (awl-ter-a'shun), n. the act of altering or changing; the change or modification effected.

alterative (awl'ter-a-tiv), adj. producing change; having the power to alter: n. a medicine which restores the healthy functions of the body.

altercate (al'ter-kat), v.i. to contend in words; wrangle; dispute with anger or heat.

altercation (al-ter-ka'shun), n. the act of wrangling; warm contention in words; a dispute.

alter ego (al'ter e'go), n. a second self; one's double: frequently applied to a person fully authorized to act for another. [Latin.]

alternant (al-ter'nant), adj. composed of alternate layers.

alternate (al't«r-nat), v.t. to perform by turns; cause to succeed by turns; exchange reciprocally: p.i. to take place by turns (followed by with): adj. by turns; following each other in reciprocal succession; succeeding each other by turns on opposite sides of a stem.

alternate angles (ang'glz), the internal angles made by two lines with a thud on opposite sides of it.

alternation (al-ter-na'shun), n. the act of alternating, or state of being alternate; reciprocal succession ; an- tiphonal singing or reading.

alternative (al-ter'na-tiv), adj. giving the choice of two things: n. the option or choice of two possibilities, so that if one be rejected the other must be accepted.

alternator (al'ter-na-ter), n. an alternating-current dynamo.

alt-horn (alt'horn), n. a musical instrument of the sax-horn class, frequently used in military bands.


although i.-1uI-//in'; conj. granting that; though; even if; notwithstanding.

altimeter (al-tim'e^ter), n. an instrument f9r measuring altitudes trigo- nometrically.

altlmetry (al-tim'e-tri), n. the art of measuring altitudes by the use of the altimeter.

altiscope (al'tis-kpp), n. an instrument consisting of mirrors and lenses by means of which an object is brought to the view of the observer, notwithstanding intervening obstacles; used to guide submarine boats.

altisonant (al-tis'o-nant), adj. high- sounding; pompous in language.

altitude (al'ti-tud), n. space extended upward; height; highest point or degree; the elevation of a celestial body above the horizon; the perpendicular distance from the base of a figure to the summit or 'to the side parallel to the base.

altltudtnal (al-ti-tu'di-nal), adj. of or pertaining to height.

alto (al't^), adj. high: re. the contralto: the tenor violin or viola. [Italian.]

altogether (awl-too-geiA'er), adv. wholly; completely; without exception; conjunctly; entirely.

alto-relievo (al'tcHre-li-a'vo), n. [pi. alto-relievos (-re-li-a'voz)], high relief; figures or other objects that stand out boldly from the background, and having more than half their thickness projecting. [Italian.]

altropathy (al-trop'a-thi), n. sympathy for others.

altruism (al'troo-izm), n. the principles inculcated by Comte. and involving the sacrifice of self in the interests of others: opposed to egoism.

altruist (al'troo^ist), n. one who advocates or practices altruism.

altruistic (al-troo-is'tik), adj. pertaining to altruism; mindful of the wants and interests of others.

altruistically (al-troo-is'ti-ka-li), adv. in an altruistic manner.

alum (al'um), n. a double sulphate formed of aluminum and some other element, usually an alkaline metal.

alum-root (al'um-root), n. a popular name given to certain roots of an astringent nature belonging to the saxifrages.

file, iirm, at, awl; me, merge, met: mite, mit: note, north, not: boon, book ; 27



alumina (a-lu'mi-na), n. the single oxide of aluminum, the most abundant of the earths; a notable constituent of common clay. Alumina is largely used in dyeing and calico- prinling as a mordant.

aluminlte (a-lu'mi-nit), n. the hydrous sulphate of aluminum.

aluminous (a-lu'mi-nus), adj. pertaining to, or containing, alum or alumina.

aluminum (a-lu'mi-num) or aluminium (al-u-min'i-um), n. a bluish- white, light, sonorous, ductile, malleable metal.

alumna (a-lum'na), n. [pi. alumnae (a-lum'ne)], a woman graduate of a university or college.

alumnus (a-lum'nus), n. \/>t. alumni (a-lum'ni)]. the graduate of a university; one educated at a school, college, or university. [Latin, meaning " a foster-son."]

alveolated (al-ve'S-la-ted), adj. with deep pits or cells resembling the honeycomb.

always (awl'waz), adv. constantly; jever; regularly at intervals; continually.

am (am), 1st pers. sing, indie, mood of the verb to be. See be.

amain (a-man'), adv. with force or violence; suddenly; at once.

amalgam (a-mal'gam), n. any metallic mixture or alloy of which mercury is the chief constituent; a mixture or compound of different things.

amalgamate (a-mal'ga-mat), v.t. to alloy mercury with another metal; mix to form a compound: v.i. to blend, combine, as one race with another.

amalgamation (a-mal-ga-ma'shun), n. the act or process of compounding mercury with another metal; the separation of precious metals from the mother-rock by means of quicksilver; the blending or mixing of different elements or things; the union or consolidation of two or more companies or businesses into one concern.

amalgamator (a-mal'ga-ma-te'r), n. one who or that which amalgamates; a machine for purifying ore containing precious metals by amalgamation

with mercury; one who takes an active part in combining two or more businesses.

amanuensis (a-marf-u-cn'sis), n. [pi. amanuenses (a-inan-u^en'sez)J, one who is employed to write at the dictation or direction of another; a secretary.

amaranth (am'a-ranth), n. an imaginary flower said by poets to be unfading; a plant of the genus am- arantus; a color-mixture in which magenta is the chief ingredient.

amaranthine (am-a-ran'thin), adj. pertaining to the amaranth; never- fading, like amaranth; purplish.

amass (a-raas'). v.t. to collect into a heap; gather together in great quantity or amount; accumulate.

amassment (a-mas'ment), n. the act of amassing-; a heap or accumulation; a great quantity or number brought together.

amateur (am-a-tgr').n. one who cultivates an art or pursues a study from love or attachment, and without reference to gain or emolument: adj. applied to the work or productions of an amateur as opposed to professional.

amative (am'a-tiv), adj. amorous; full of love.

amatlvenees (am'a-tiv-nes), n. the tendency to love; the desire for sexual intercourse.

amatory (am'a-to-ri), adj. relating to or expressive of love.

amaurosis (am-aw-ro'sis), n. loss or decay of sight due to partial, periodic, or complete paralysis of the optic nerve. [Greek.]

amaurotlo (am-aw-rot'ik), adj. relating to, or affected with, amaurosis.

amaze (a-maz'), v.t. to confound or stun with fear, surprise, or wonder; astonish: n. afstonishment; confusion; perplexity.'

amazement (a-maz'ment), n. the state of being amazed; astonishment ; perplexity arising from sudden surprise.

ambassador (am-bas'a^der), n. an accredited representative of a sovereign or state at the court of another; a diplomatic agent of high rank; a representative or agent of another charged with a specialmission.

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