Wednesday, May 20, 2009

antagonistically - appellative



nt agon Ik tit-ally (an-tag ka-Ti), adv. in rivalry


-o-nis'ti- or opposi


antagonize (an-tag'6-nlz), v.t. to oppose; hinder; counteract; contend against; compete with: v.i. to act in opposition; neutralize.

antarctic (ant-iirk'tik), adj. opposite to arctic; pertaining to the south- polar regions; southern.

antecede (an-te-sed'), v.t. to precede or go before in time or space.

antecedence (an-tO-sG'dcns) or antecedency (an-te-se'den-si), n. precedence; the act or state of going before; priority.

antecedent (an-te-se'dent). adj. preceding: n. the substantive or noun to which a relative or other pronoun refers; the part of a conditional proposition upon which the other depends: pi. the previous events of a person's life.

antecedently (an-te-se'dent-li), adv. at a time preceding.

antecessor (an-te-ses'er), n. one who goes before (in office).

antechamber (an'te-cham-ber) , n. an apartment next the principal room, where persons wait for audience; an outer room.

antedate (an'te-dat) , v.t. to carry back to an earlier period; anticipate: n. a date earlier than the actual date.

antediluvian (an-te-di-lu'vi-an) , adj. of or pertaining to the world before the Flood ; belonging to very ancient times; antiquated: n. one who lived before the Flood. [Latin.]

antelope (an'te-lop), «. the name given to numerous species of deer-like ruminants, intermediate between the deer and the goat, with cylindrical, ringed horns.

antemeridian (an-te-me-rid'i-an) , adj. preceding noon. Often written A.M.

antemetic (ant-e-met'ik), adj. allaying vomiting: it. a medicine possessing this property.

antemundane (an-te-mun'dan), adj. before the creation of the world.

antenatal (an-te-na'tal), adj. before birth.

antenna (an-tcn'a), n. [pi. antenna? (an-ten'e)], the jointed horns or feelers upon the heads of insects and Crustacea.

antenuptial (an-te-nup'shal), adj. before marriage.

antepaschal (an-te-pasTcal), adj. before Easter; preceding the Jewish Passover. [Graeco-Latin.]

antepenult (an-tc-pe'nult) or ante- pemiltima (an-te-pe-nul'ti-ma), n. the last syllable but two of a word.

antepenultimate (an-te-pc-nul'ti- miit), adj. pertaining to the last but two: n. that which is last but two.

anteprandial (an-tc-pran'di-al), adj. before dinner.

anterior (an-ter'i-er), adj. more to the front; former.

anteriority (an-ter-i-or'i-ti), n. the quality of being anterior, especially in order of time; priority.

anteroom (an'tc-room), n. a room before, or forming an entrance to, another; an antechamber.

antetemple (an'tS-tem-pl), n. the portico of an ancient temple or church; the narthcx.

anthellon (an-the'li-on), n. [pi. anthelia (an-thc'li-a)], a halo or a colored ring or rings, opposite the sun, formed around the shadow of the head of the observer, as projected on a cloud or moist surface.

anthem (an'them), n. a composition from the Scriptures or liturgy set to sacred music.

anther (an'ther), n. the summit of the stamen of a flower containing the pollen or fertilizing dust.

antheroid (an'ther-oid), adj. having the form of an anther.

antbocarpous (an-tho-kar'pus), adj. having a fruit formed from " ovaries of several flowers, as pineapple.

anthography (an-thog'ra-fi), n. scientific description of flowers.

anthological (an-tho-loj'i-kal), pertaining to an anthology; consisting of beautiful extracts, more especially of those from the poets.

anthologist (an-thol'6-jist), n. one who compiles an anthology.

anthology (an-thol'o-ji), n. a collection of choice poems, epigrams, and fugitive pieces by various authors; a hymnal.

anthracene (an'thra-sen), n. a complex hydrocarbon obtained from coal- tar; paranaphthalin.





ute, arm, at, nw!; me, merge, met; mite, init; note, north, not: boon, book; 39


anthracite (an'thra-slt), n. a non- bituminous coal which burns without smoke; blind-coal; glance-coal; stone-coal; hard-coal. antbracitlc (an-thra-sit'ik), adj. resembling, or of the nature of, anthracite. ... (an'thraks), ?*. [pi. anthraces (an'thra-sez)], a carbuncle, or malignant boil; the splenic fever of sheep and cattle, caused by the presence of a bacillus in the blood and tissues; the carbuncular disease caused in man by inoculation from affected sheep and cattle. [Greek.] anthropography (an-thro-pog'ra-fi), n. that branch of anthropology which treats of the actual geographical distribution of the human race, and the local variations of its different divisions. [Greek.]

anthropoid (an'thro-poid), adj. re- sembfing man: n. one of the higher apes resembling man. [Greek.] Anthropoidea (an-thro-poi'de-a), n. pi. a sub-order of primate mammals, including early man, the gorillas, apes, and monkeys. anthropological (an-thro-po-lo j 'i-kal),

adj. relating to anthropology. anthropologist (an-thro-pol'o-jist), re.

a student of anthropology. anthropology (an-thro-pol'o-ji), re. the science of man, considered zoologically or ethnographically. anthropometric (an-thro-po-met/rik), adj. relating to the measurement or proportions of the human body. anthropometrically (an-thro-po-met'- ri-ka-li), adv. in an anthropological manner, or by means of anthropometry-

anthropometry (anrthro-pom'e-tri), n. the measurement of the human body; the department of anthropology- relating to such measurement of persons at various ages, and in different tribes, races, occupations, &c. anthropomorphic (an-thro-po-mc">r'- fik), adj. characterized by anthropomorphism; having the appearance and characteristics of Dian._ anthropomorphism (an-thro-po-mflr'- fizm), n. the ascription of a human form and attributes to the Deity, or to supernatural beings. anthropophagi (an-thro-pof a-ji), man-eaters; cannibals. [Greek.]

anthropophagous (an-thro-pof'a- gus), adj. feeding on human flesh.

antic (an'tik), adj. grotesque: n. a clown; a trick; a grotesque gesture.

Antichrist (an'ti-krlst), n. an opponent of Christ, especially the great personal opponent expected to appear before the end of the world (I John ii. 22); a false prophet (Mark xiii. 5, C).

antichristian (an-ti-kris'chan), n. one who is an opponent of the Christian religion: adj. pertaining to Antichrist; opposed to the Christian religion.

anticipant (an-tis'i-pant), adj. that which operates beforehand: n. one who looks forward.

anticipate (an-tis'i-pSt), v.t. to take beforehand: use in advance; look for as certain; deal with beforehand: v.i. to treat of something before the proper time.

anticipation (an-tis-i-pa'shun), n. the act of taking beforehand; expectation; hope; preconception.

anticipative (an-tis'i-pa-tiv) or anticipatory (an-tis'i-pii-to-ri), adj. taking beforehand; anticipating.

anticlimax (an'ti-kll-maks), n. a ludicrous descent in thought and expression; bathos.

anticyclone (anti-sl'klon), n. a meteorological condition in which the ordinary features of a cyclone are reversed, i.e. the winds, which are light, flow from, instead of towards, the center.

anticyclonlo (an-ti-si-klon'ik), adj. pertaining to an anticyclone.

antidotal (an'ti-do-tul). adj. of the nature or quality of an antidote.

antidotally (an-ti-do'ta-li), adv. in the manner of an antidote.

antidote (an'ti-dot), n. a substance which acts medicinally as a counteractive to the effects of poison or disease; that which annuls or tends to prevent the evil effects of anything else; a remedy.

anlif:it (an'ti-fat), adj. available for preventing or reducing fatness: n. a remedy against fatness.

antifebrile (an-ti-feb'ril), adj. capable of allaying fever: n. a fever medicine or antipyretic.

antlfebrine (an-ti-feb'rin), re. acetani




lide, or antipyrine, used in medicine as an antipyretic, to allay fever and reduce the temperature.

antiiiiasU (an'ti-mask), n. a species of drollery introduced as an interlude between arts of a more serious nature. Written also antimasque.

antimasonic (an-ti-ma-son'ik), adj. opposed to the principles of freemasonry.

antimonarchical (an-ti-mo-niir'ki- kal), ailj. opposed to monarchy.

antimonial (an-ti-mo'ni-al), adj. pertaining to antimony; composed of, or possessing the qualities, of antimony.

antimoniate (an-ti-mo'ni-at), n. a salt of antimonic acid.

antimonlc (an-ti-mon'ik) or antimo- iiious (an-ti-mo'ni-us), adj. relating to, composed of, or obtained from antimony.

antimqnite (an'ti-mo-mt), n. native sulphide of antimony.

antimony (an'ti-mo-ni), n. a white lustrous metal, entering largely into medicinal preparations and various important alloys, such as pewter and Britannia-metal.

antinomianism (an-ti-no'mi-an-izm), n. the tenets of the Antinomian sect; opposition to law.

antinomy (an-tin'o-mi), n. [pi. antinomies (an-tin'o-miz)], the opposition of one law or part of a law to another; or the opposition of man to any law.

antiparallel (an-ti-par'a-lcl), adj. running parallel, but in an opposite direction: n. one of two or more lines making equal angles with two other lines, but in contrary order.

antipathetic lan-ti-pa-thet'ik), adj. possessing :i natural antipathy or aversion [with In],

antipathic (an-ti-path'ik), adj. pertaining to antipathy; adverse; opposite.

antipathy (an-tip'a-thi), n. [pi. antipathies cm-tip'a-thiz)], natural aversion; an instinctive dislike; the object of aversion (followed in composition by to, against, between, aiulfar).

antiperiodlc (an-ti-pe-ri-od'ik), adj. preventive of return in periodic or intermittent diseases: ;i. a medicine for periodic diseases.

antiphlogistic (an-ti-flo-jis'tik), adj. efficacious in counteracting fever or

inflammation: n. any remedy which serves to check inflammatory symptoms.

antiphon (an'ti-fon) or antlphone (-fon), n. a chant or hymn rendered alternately by two choirs, as in English cathedral services.

antlphonal (an-tif'o-nal), adj. characterized by antiphony or responsive singing: n. a collection of antiphons.

antiphonaiy (an-tif cwia-ri), n. [pi. antiphonaries (an-tif'o-na-riz)], a book of responses used in the services: adj. antiphonal, or responsive.

antiphonetic (an-ti-fo-net'ik), adj. similar in sound; applied to words which rhyme.

antiphony (an-tif'o-ni), n. [pi. antiph- omes (an-tif'6-niz)]t the alterant or responsive rendering of psalms or chants by a dual choir; a musical setting of sacred verses arranged for alternate singing.

antiphrasls (an-tif'ra-sis), n. the employment of a word, or words, in a sense contrary to its, or their, true meaning, as when the ancients called the Funes "the Kindly Ones."

antipodal (an-tip'o-dal). adj. pertaining to the antipodes; opposite or extreme.

antipode (an'ti-pod), n. [pi. antipodes (an-tip'6-dez)], one who resides on the opposite side of the earth; that which is directly opposite to another.

antipodean (an-tip-o-de'an), adj. belonging to the antipodes: n. one who resides on the opposite side of the earth.

antipodes (an-tip'6-dez), those who, residing at opposite sides of the globe, have their feet directly opposed; the two portions of the earth's surface which are exactly opposite to each other; the direct opposite of a person or thing.

antipyretic (an-ti-pi-ret'ik), adj. preventive of, or remedial to, fever: n. a remedy of such nature.

antipyrine (an-ti-pl'rin), n. a drug obtained from coal-tar, employed for the relief of neuralgia, nervous headaches, and the reduction of heat in fevers.

antiquarian (an-ti-kwar'i-an), adj. pertaining to antiquaries or to antiquity: n. an antiquary.

ute, ttrm, at, awl; me, merge, met: mite, rait: note, north, not; boon, hook; 41



ant iquarianlsm (an-ti-kwar'i-an-izm), n. the attachment to what is old or antiquated which characterizes the antiquary; the study or collecting of antiquities.

antiquary (an'ti-kwiir-i), n. one who is attached to ancient things, and is learned in their history; one who collects antiquities for the purpose of study.

antiquated (an'ti-kwa-ted), p.adj. grown old; old-fashioned; obsolete; ancient.

antique (an-tek'), adj. of or belonging to a former age; ancient: n. something of great age; a relic of antiquity.

antiqueness (an-tek'nes), n. the quality of being ancient, or having the appearance of antiquity.

antiquity (an-tik'wi-ti), n. [pi. antiquities (an-tik'wi-tiz)], great age; ancientness; early ages; the people or races of ancient times; that which belonged to, or survives from, ancient times; a relic.

antiscorbutic (an-ti-sk6r-bu'tik), adj. & n. counteractant or remedial to scurvy.

anti-Semite (an-ti-sem'It), n. one who favors the social and political persecution of Jews.

anti-Semitic (an-ti-sem-it'ik), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, anti-Semitism.

anti-Semitism (an-ti-sem'it-izm), n. antagonism to the Jewish race.

antisepsis (an-ti-sep'sis), n. the exclusion of bacteria from wounds, &c., by the use of antiseptics.

antiseptic (an-ti-sep'tik), adj. destructive to the germs of disease or putrefaction: n. a substance that acts as a preventive to putrefaction.

antJslavery (an-ti-sla'ver-i), adj. opposed to slavery: n. opposition to slavery-.

antispasmodlc (an-ti-spaz-mqd'ik), adj. counteractive to, or curative of, spasms: n. a medicine having such an effect.

antisplenetlc (an-ti-sple-net'ik), adj. of use remedially in diseases of the spleen: n. a medicine for spleen diseases.

antistropbe (an-tis'tro-fe), n. in the ancient Greek chorus, the alternating part immediately following the

strophe and sung in moving to the right, the strophe having been sung when moving to the left.

antithesis (an-tith'e-sls), ?i. [pi. antitheses (an-tith'e-sCz)]. opposition; contrast; expression by contrast or opposition of words or sentiments.

antithetic (an-ti-thet'ik) or antithetical (an-ti-tliet'i-kal), adj. pertaining to, of the nature of, or containing antithesis.

antithetically (an-ti-thet'i-ka-li), adv. in the manner or by means of antithesis.

antitoxin (an-ti-toks'in), n. a serum used hypodermic-ally as a preventive of, or cure for, diphtheria.

antitrade (an'ti-tra
antitype (an'ti-tip), n. that which preceded the type, and of which the type is the prefigurement or representation.

antitypical (an-ti-tip'i-kal). adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, an antitype.

antizymotlo (an-ti-zi-mot'ik), adj. preventing fermentation; n. the agent so used.

antler (ant'ler), n. the individual branches of a stag's horns; the horn in its complete condition.

antonym (an'to-nirn), n. a word of opposite meaning.

anurous (a-nu'rus), adj. having the character of the Anura, as the frogs and toads, which are tailless when adult.

anus (a'nus), n. the terminal portion of the rectum; the excremcntal orifice.

anvil (an'vil), n. an iron block used for the hammering and shaping of metals.

anxiety (ang-zl'e-ti), n. [pi. anxieties (ang-zl'e-tiz)], a condition of mental uneasiness arising from fear or solicitude.

anxious (ang'shus), adj. deeply concerned; very solicitous; apprehensive.

any (en'i), adj. & pron. one, indeterminately, unlimited; some, an indefinite number, quantity, or degree: adj. one indefinitely; (pi.) some: pron. one; anyone; (pi.) some: adv. ANYBODY

ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; 42


to any extent; at all; in any degree

(used with comparatives, as "any

better"). anybody (en'i-bod-i), n. any person;

some one of importance. anyhow (en'i-hou), adv. in any way or

manner; in any case; at any rate. anything (en'i-thing), n. any object

as distinguished from a person;

aught; with as or like, as "It rains

like anything."

anyway (-wa), adv. in any manner. anywhere (-hwar), adv. in any place. any-whithtT (en'i-hwi(/i'er), adv. toor

towards any place. any- wise (en i-wlz), adv. in any way or

manner; anyhow. aorist (a'5-rist), n. a tense in Grqek

verbs, denoting definite.

past time in

aorta (a-6Vta), n. [pi. aortse (-te)J, the chief artery or main trunk of the arterial system, opening from the left ventricle of the heart and supplying all parts of the body, excepting the lungs, with arterializcd blood.

aortic (a-6r'tik), adj. pertaining to the aorta.

aortitls (a-6r-tl'tis) , n. inflammation of the aorta.

apaoe (a-pas'), adv. quickly; at a quick pace; speedily.

apart (a-ptirt'), adv. separately; aside; asunder.

apartment (a-part'ment), n. a room or part 9f a divided building: pi. a set or suite or two or more rooms of a house set apart as lodgings.

apathetic (ap-a-thet'ik), adj. devoid of, or insensible to, feeling or emotion.

apathetically (ap-a-thct'i-ka-li), adv. in an apathcticul manner.

apathy (ap'a-thi), n. [pi. apathies (ap'a-thi/.)], lack of feeling; want of passion or emotion; indifference.

apatite (ap'a-tit), n. a crystalline phosphate of lime.

ape (ftp), n. a tailless monkey having teeth in number and appearance as man; a silly mimic; a fool. The family of the apes includes the gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-outang, &c.: v.t. to imitate servilely; mimic, as an ape mimics man.

apeak (a-pek'), adv. nearly vertical in position.

aperient (a-pe'ri-ent), adj. gently laxa

tive; opening the bowels: n. a mild laxative medicine.

aperiodic (a-pe-ri-od'ik), adj. without periodicity,

aperitive (a-per'i-tiv), adj. the same as aperient. [French.]

aperture (ap'er-tur), n. an opening; a perforation or passage; the space between two intersecting right lines; the diameter of the exposed part of the object-glass of a telescope or other optical instrument.

apetalous (a-pet'a-lus), adj. without petals or corolla.

apex (a'pcks), n. [pi. apices (ap'i-sez) & apexes (a'pek-sez)], the point, tip, or summit of anything.

aphagla (a-fil'ji-a), n. inability to swallow. [Greek.]

aphasia (a-fa'zi-a), n. loss of the power of speech, or the appropriate use of words, due to disease or injury to the brain. [Greek.]

aphelion (af-e'li-on), n. [pi. aphelia (af-e'li-a)], that point in the orbit of a planet or a comet which is farthest from the sun.

aphid (af'id), n. a plant-louse belonging to the genus Aphis.

aphldlan (a-fid'i-an), ?i. an aphid: adj. pertaining to the genus Aphis.

Aphis (a'fis), n. [pi. Aphides (af'i-dez)], the genus of plant-suckers, to which the aphides belong; a member of the genus.

aphorism (af'o-rizm), n. a concise and pithy statement of a rule or precept; a maxim.

aphrodisiac (af-ro-diz'i-ac), n. a drug that excites sexual desire.

aphthong (af'thong), n. a letter or letters not sounded in a word.

apiary (a'pi-a-ri), n. [pi. apiaries (a'pi- a-riz)], a place where bees are kept; a bee-house.

apiece (a-pcs'), adv. to or for each; each; severally.

apish (a'pish), adj. resembling an ape in manners: foppish; foolish.

aplomb (a-p!6ng'), n. self-possession; assurance. [French.]

Apocalypse (a-pok'a-hps), n. the last Dook of the New Testament, Revelation.

Apocalyptic (a-pok-a-lip'tik), adj. pertaining to or containing the Apocalypse.

ate, iirin, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book;




apocope (a-ppk'e-pe), n. the cutting off or deletion of the last letter or syllable of a word.

apocrypha (a-pok'ri-fa), used as a sing, with pi. apocryphas (a-pok'- ri-faz), a writing, or something, of doubtful authorship; certain writings received by some Christians as an authentic part of the Holy Scriptures, but rejected by others, as for instance Judith, Ecclesiasticus, etc.

apocryphal (a-pok'ri-f al), adj. of doubtful authority; uncanonical; of or pertaining to the apocrypha.

apocryphally (a-pok'ri-fa-li), adv. in an apocryphal manner; doubtfully.

apod (ap'od), n. an animal without feet.

apodosis (a-pod'o-sis), n. the latter portion, or consequent clause, of a conditional sentence.

apogean (aj>-6-je'an) or apogelc (ap- o-je'ik), adj. pertaining to the apogee.

apogee (ap'o-je), n. that point in the orbit of a planet which is most distant from the earth.

apologetic (a-pol-6-jet'ik), adj. in the way of defense or apology.

apologetically (a-pol-6-jet'i-ka-li), adv. in an apologetic manner.

apologetics (arpol-6-jet'iks), n. the defense and vindication of the principles and laws of the Christian belief.

apologia (ap-o-lo'gi-a), n. a defense of any one's action or principles, as Cardinal Newman's famous "Apologia." [Greek.]

apologist (a-pol'6-jist), n. one who apologizes; one who pleads in extenuation or defense of the actions or principles of another.

apologize (a-pol'o-jiz), v.i. to make an apology or excuse; to express regret or make amends for anything said or done, on one's own behalf or that of another: v.t. to write a defense of; to defend.

apologue (ap'6-log), n. a moral fable; a fiction or allegory emnodying a moral application, as yEsop's Fables.

apology (a-pol'6-ji), n. [pi. apologies (a-pol'o-Jiz)], a vindication or excuse; something spoken, written, or offered in defense or extenuation; an explanation by way of amends.

apophthegm. See apothegm.

apoplectic (ap-o-plek'tik), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, apoplexy; afflicted with apoplexy.

apoplexy (ap'6-plek-si), n. the sudden loss of consciousness and motive power, resulting from the rupture of a brain-vessel.

aport (a-port'), adv. on or towards the port of left side of a ship.

apostasy (a-pos'ta-si), n. [pi. apostasies (a-pos'ta-siz)], the forsaking or abandonment of what one has hitherto professed or adhered to, as faith, principles, or party.

apostate (a-pos'tat), n. one who has forsaken or apostatized his faith or party; one who renounces his profession after having been in holy orders: adj. false; traitorous; renegade.

apostatical (ap-os-tut'i-kal), adj. rebellious, in the manner of apostasy; apostate.

apostatize (a-nos'ta-tiz), v.i. to abandon one's faith, church, or party; change one's religion for another.

a posteriori (a pos-te-ri-o'ri), reasoning founded on observation of facts, effects, or consequences, by means of which the causes are reached.

apostle (a-pos'l), n. one charged with a high mission; one of the twelve persons, especially selected by Christ to propagate His gospel (Luke vi. 13); one who performed apostolic functions, as St. Paul (I Cor. i. 1); the first missionary who plants the Christian faith in any region; one who labors with special success as a moral or social reformer.

Apostles' Creed (a-pos'lz kred), n. the shortest of the three creeds, so named as containing a summary of apostolical doctrine.

apostle-spoon (a-pos'1-spoon), n. a spoon having a figure of one of the Apostles at the top of the handle.

apostolate (a-pos'to-lat), n. apostle- ship (now restricted to the dignity or office of the Pope).

apostolic (ap-os-tol'ik), adj. & n. of or pertaining to an apostle or apostles, and their age, doctrine, or practice; papal.

apostolic succession (suk-sesh'un), n. the regular and uninterrupted transmission of episcopal authority by bishops from the Apostles.

ate, arm, at, aw); me, merge, met; mite, mit: note, nfirth, not; boon, book; 44



apostrophe (a-pos'tro-fc), n. a breaking off in a speech to address directly a person or persons who may or may not be present; the omission from a word of one or more letters, such omission being indicated by the sign ('); the sign (.') so employed in writing or printing.

apostrophic (ap-o-strof'ik), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, an apostrophe.

apostrophize (a-pos'tro-fiz), v.l. to address by apostrophe; omit a letter or letters; mark an omission by the sign ('): v.i. to make an apostrophe or short digressive address in speaking.

apothecary (a-poth'e-ka-ri), n. [pi. apothecaries (a-poth'e-ka-riz)], one who prepares and dispenses medicines ana drugs for profit; one who is licensed to prescribe; a pharmacist.

apothecaries' weight (a-poth'e-ka-riz wat), n. the weight used for dispensing drugs, and comprising the pound (12 oz.), the ounce (8 drachms), the drachm (3 scruples), the scruple (20 grs.), and the grain.

apothegm (ap'o-them), n. a pithy saying, embodying a wholesome truth or precept. Also spelt apophthegm.

apotheosis (ap-o-the'o-sis),n. [pi. apotheoses (ap-o-the'6-sez)], deification; the god-like personification bestowed upon deceased emperors under the Roman Empire; excessive honor paid to a distinguished person; canonization.

apotheosize (ap-o-the'6-siz), v.t. to exalt to the rank of a god; deify.

appal (ap-pawl')i v.t. [p.t. & p.p. appalled, appalling], to frighten; depress or discourage by fear; dismay; terrify.

appalling (ap-pawling), p.adj. inspiring horror or dismay.

apparatus (ap-a-ra'tus), n. sing. & pi. an outfit of tools, utensils, or instruments adapted to the accomplishment of any branch of work, or for the performance of an experiment or operation; a set of such appliances; a group or set of organs concerned in the performance of a single function. Also, apparatus criticus (kri'ti-cus).

apparel (a-par'el), n. clothing; ves

ture; garb, or dress; the equipment of a vessel: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. appareled, appareling], to clothe or adorn; furnish or fit out.

apparent (ap-par'ent), adj. open to view; capable of being readily perceived or understood; evident; seeming, but not real.

apparition (ap-a-rish'un), n. a visible object; an appearance of something not real or tangible; a ghost or specter; the first appearance of a luminary after obscuration: opposed to occultation.

appeal (ap-pel'), v.t. to transfer or refer to a superior court or judge; to refer to another person or tribunal; entreat, call for, or invoke aid, sympathy, or mercy: n. a call or invocation for aid or sympathy; the right of appeal; a summons to answer a charge; a call or reference to another; recourse; the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior court, the latter having the power to revise the decision of the lower tribunal.

appear (ap-per'), v.i. to be or become visible; come before; seem.

appearance (ap-per'ans), n. the act of becoming visible; the object seen; a phenomenon; an apparition; semblance; outward show; the act of coming before the public; coming into court; look; bearing or aspect.

appeasable (ap-pe'za-bl), adj. capable of being appeased.

appease (ap-pez'), v.t. to allay; assuage; quiet; satisfy; pacify.

appeasement (ap-pez'ment), n. the act of appeasing; the state of being appeased.

appellant (ap-pel'ant), n. one who appeals to a higher court; one who appeals to a judge, or to any tribunal.

appellate (ap-pel'at), adj. pertaining to appeals; naving cognizance of appeals: n. the person appealed against or called upon to appear.

appellation (ap-e-la shun), n. the name, title, or designation by which a person or thing is called or known; the act of appealing.

appellative (ap-pel'a-tiv), adj. serving to distinguish, as a name or denomination of a group or class; common,

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