ancestress (an'ses-tres), n. a female ancestor.
ancestry (an'ses-tri), n. the line of one's descent traced from a period more or less remote; the personages comprising such lineage; lineage.
anchor (ang'ker), n. an iron implement of varying form, but generally having two curved and pointed arms terminating at one end of a shank, to the other extremity of which is affixed a cable, used to secure a floating vessel to the bottom; that on which dependence is placed for security or stability; a metallic clamp securing a tie-rod connecting opposite walls: v.t. to affix by an anchor; grapple; hold fast.
anchorage (ang'kSr-aj), n. a suitable or customary place for the anchoring of vessels; the hold attained by an anchor; harbor-dues for anchorage in a port.
anchoret (ang'ko-ret) or anchorite (angTcft-rit), n. one who voluntarily secludes himself from society and lives a solitary life devoted to religious or philosophic meditation; a recluse; a hermit.
anchovy (an'ch6-vi), n. [pi. anchovies (an'cho^-viz)], a diminutive fish abounding in the Mediterranean, and especially esteemed for its peculiar flavor, used for pickling and as a sauce.
ancient (an'shent), adj. of or pertaining to the early history of the world; of past times or remote ages; of great age or antiquity: n. one who lived in ancient times; pi. the people of classic times; the Jewish elders; the governing body of an Inn of Court [English]: n. formerly a flag or ensign: a ship's pennant.
ancillary (an'sil-ar-i), adj. attendant upon; accessory; subservient.
ancipital (an-eip'i-tal), adj. two-edged and sharp.
ancon (ang'kon), n. [pi. ancones (ang- ko'nez)], the upper extremity of the forearm or ulna; the elbow; a bracket or projection for the support of a cornice.
ancua (angTcus), n. an elephant goad made of metal and often highly ornamented.
and (and), conj. the copulative joining words and sentences. And is sometimes used emphatically by way of contrast, as "there are orators and orators," i.e. two very different kinds.
andesite (an'de-sit), n. a silicate of alumina, soda, and lime. .
andirons (and'I-ernz), metal standards used for open fires, to support the logs; fire-dogs.
androcephalous (an-dro-sef'a-lus), adj. having a human head, as a sphinx, &c. [Greek.]
androgynous (an-droj'i-nous), adj. combining both sexes, or bearing both male and female organs; hermaphroditic. [Greek.]
androsphinx (an'dro-sfingks), n. a sphinx with the body of a lion and the head of a man. [Greek.]
anecdotal (an-«k-d6'tal), adj. relating to, or consisting of, anecdotes.
anecdote (an'ek-d5t), n. a brief narrative of an entertaining character; a terse and pithy account of some detached incident, chiefly personal or biographical.
anecdotic (an-ek-do'tik), adj. relating to anecdotes.
aneodotloally (an-ek-do'ti-ka-li), adv. by anecdotes.
anelectrlo (an-e-lek'trik). adj. without the properties of electricity; nonelectric: n. a conductor in contradistinction to an insulator.
anelectrode (an-e-lek'trod), n. the positive pole of a galvanic battery.
anemograph (a-nern'o-graf), n. an instrument for registering the force or direction of the wind. [Greek.]
anemometer (an-e-mom'e-ter), n. a wind-gauge; an instrument which indicates the pressure of the wind.
anemone (a-nem'o-ne). n. [pi. anemones (a-nem'o-nez)], the wind-flower or wood-anemone; a sea-anemone, a marine zoophyte. [Greek.]
anemoscope (a-nem p-«kop), n. an apparatus for exhibiting the direction of the wind. [Greek.]
aneroid (an'e-roid), adj. having no liquid, as quicksilver: n. a barometer shaped like a watch, the action depending on the varying pressure of ANEURISM
ate, Urm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nGrth, not; boon, book;
the atmosphere on the top of an elastic metal box.
aneurism (an'u-rizm), n. a local swelling or dilation of an artery at a point where the coat is thinnea or weakened by disease. [Greek.]
anew (a-nu'). adv. afresh; over again; in a new manner or style.
angel (an'jel), n. a messenger of God; one of an order of spiritual attendants who form a connection between heaven and earth, as from God to mankind; a spirit of evil, as a fallen angel; the presbyter in the Early Christian Church residing in some
Particular city (Rev. ii. 8); an Eng- sh gold coin, value about $2.50, struck in the reign of Edward IV., and impressed with the figure of the archangel Michael.
angel-fish (an'jel-fish), n. a species of shark with large pectoral fins, which give to it a winged appearance.
angelic (an-jel'ik) or angelical ('i-kal), adj. belonging to or resembling an angel in nature or function.
angelus (au'je-lus), n. a devotional exercise in commemoration of the Incarnation, during which the Ave Maria is twice repeated: said morning, noon, and night; the bell which is rung to announce the time of such devotions. [Latin.]
anger (ang'gcr), n. excessive emotion or passion aroused by a sense of injury or wrong; wrath: v.t. to provoke to resentment; excite to WTath; enrage.
angina (an-ji'na), n. an inflamed condition of the throat, as in quinsy, &c.
angina pectorls (pek'to-ris). n. a muscular spasm of the chest, very often accompanied by an affection of the heart, and frequently fatal.
angiology (an-ji-fll'o-ji), n. that branch of anatomy which treats of the bloodvessels and lymphatics.
angle (ang'gl), «. the inclosed space near the point where two lines meet; a sharp or projecting corner; the inclination of two lines which meet at a point called the vortex; v.i. to fish with a hook and line: v.t. to fish for.
angler (ang'gler) n. one who fishes with rod and line; a piscator; the name of a fish furnished with filamentary
appendages, which by their movement attract smaller fish on which it feeds. Also called fishing-frog and sea-devil.
Anglican (ang'gli-kan), adj. pertaining to England as a nation; pertaining to the Church of England and churches in other countries in accord with it, and (popularly) to the High or Ritualistic section of the Anglican Church: n. a member of the Anglican Church: a ritualist.
Anglicanism (ang'gli-kan-izm), - the principles and ritual of the Anglican Church, i.e. the established Church of England.
anglice (ang'gli-se), adv. according to the English language or manner. [Latin.]
Anglicism (ang'gli-sizm), n. a form of speech; a principle or mannerism peculiar to England.
Anglicize (ang'gli-aiz), v.t. to make or to render into English; accord with English manners and customs.
angling (ang'gling), n. the piscatorial art; the act of fishing with rod and line.
Anglo-American (ang'glo-a-mer'i- kan), adj. pertaining to England and the United States conjointly, as to commerce or population: n. an American citizen of English descent.
Anglomania (ang-glo-man'i-a), n. a predilection carried to excess for everything that is English, in the sense of being peculiar to England.
Anglophobia (ang-glo-fo'bi-a), n. an intense aversion to, or fear of, everything English.
Anglo-Saxon (ang'glo-saks'un), adj. pertaining to the Teutonic settlers in England prior to the Norman Conquest, or to their language: n. one of the Saxon settlers in England ns distinguished from those on the Continent: pi. the English race.
angora (ang-go'ra), n. cloth made from Angora-wool.
angora-cat (-kat), n. a cat of the domestic kind with long handsome hair.
angora-goat (-got), n. a breed of goats first found in the province of Angora (Asia Minor), but lately raised at the Cape of Good Hope and in the United States. The animal has very fine ANGORA
£Ue, arm, at, awl; me, m<5rgp, met; mite, mit: note, north, uot; bOOn, book; 35
silky hair about eight inches in length
from which Turkish yarn is spun.
The skin of the Angora goat is used
in making the very finest Morocco
leather. aurora-wool (-wool), n. the coat of
the Angora goat, much esteemed for
its long silky hair. angostura-bark (.ang-gos-tu'ra bark),
n. a bitter aromatic bark used for
medicinal purposes. [Named from
the Venezuelan city of Angostura.) Angostura bitters (bit-terz),, a
tonic beverage made from Angostura
bark. angrily (ang'gri-li), adv. in an angry
manner, angriness (ang'gri-nes), n. the state of
being angry. angry (ang'gri), adj. inflamed with
anger; provoked; feeling resentment;
wrathful; showing anger; fierce;
inflamed. anguish (ang'gwish), n. intense pain
or grief; acute suffering, bodily or
mental. angular (ang'gu-lar), adj. possessing
an angle «r angles; sharp, bent, or
cornered; pointed, or full 9f points, angularity (ang-gu-lar'i-ti), n. [pi.
angularities (ang-gu-lar'i-tiz)], the
quality of being angular in any sense. anrulate (ang'gu-lat), adj. constructed
of angles; having the form of an
angle, angustate (ang-gus tat), 007. narrow
at the base and expanded at the top. anhydride (an-hi'drid), n. an oxygen
compound formed by substituting
an acid radical for the whole of the
hydrogen in one or two molecules of
water. anhydrite (an-h!'drlt), n. anhydrous
sulphate of lime. anhydrous (an-hl'drus), '"'/ without
water: applied to minerals in which
the water of crystallization is not
anil (an'il), n. the indigo plant. anile (an il& an'il). adj. resembling an
old woman; aged; old-womanish. aniline . :m'i-lin j, n. a base used in the
formation of many rich dyes obtained
from coal-tar, but more extensively
from benzole: adj. of or pertaining to
(an'il-izm), n. aniline poison
ing, caused by the inhalation of aniline vapors.
anility (a-nil'i-ti), n. the state of being anile; a condition of dotage.
animadversion (an-i-mad-ver'shun), n. the act of observing; capacity for perception; censure; criticism.
anlmadverslve (au-i-mad-ver'siv), adj. possessing the faculty of observation and criticism.
animadvert (an-i-mad-vert'), v.i. to give the mind to; pass comment or stricture upon; criticise.
animal (ani-mal), n. an organized living body, sentient, mobile, and locomotive; an inferior being; a brute: adj. of or belonging to animals.
animal-magnetism (an i-mal-mag'- net-izm), n. another name for mesmerism. See magnetism.
animaleular (an-i-mal'ku-lar) or ani- malculine (-Jin), adj. of or relating to animalcules.
animalcule (an-i-mal'kul), n. one of a class of minute or microscopic organisms abounding in water and infusions; an infusorian.
animalculist (an-i-mal'ku-list), n. a specialist of animalcules. _
animalculum (an-i-mal'ku-lum), n. [pi. animalcula (-la)], a minute organism; an animalcule.
anlmalla (an'i-ma-li-a), the animal kingdom.
animalism (an'i-mal-izm), n. the state of being animal, or actuated by animal instincts or appetites; the theory which regards mankind as merely animal; sensuality.
animalistic (an-i-mal-is'tik), adj. characterized by animal or sensual instincts.
anlmallty (an-i-mal'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being an animal, or possessing animal characteristics.
anlmalizatJon (an-i-mal-i-zii'shun), n. the act of making animal; the process of becoming bestial.
anlmalize (an'i-mal-!z), ».(. to make animal; impart animal life, form, and attributes; sensualize or bestialize; convert into animal substance by assimilation.
animate (an'i-mat), v.t. to impart life to; to inspire with energy or action; enliven: adj. endowed with animal life; full of spirit and vigor.
ate, arm, at, awl; m€, merge, met; mite, mil; note, north, not; boon, book; ANIMATION 36 ANNUAL
animation (an-i-ma'shun), n. the act an advocate for, or promoter of,
of giving life or spirit; the state of annexation of another country.
being animated; vivacity. annihllable (an-nl'hi-Ia-bl), adj. ca-
anlmatlve (an'i-ma-tiv), adj. that has pable of annihilation.
power to impart life or spirit. annihilate (an-nl'hi-lat), v.t. to reduce
animism (an'i-mizm), n. the theory of to nothing; wipe out of existence;
the existence of an immaterial prin- destroy.
ciple of force inseparable from matter annihilation (an-nl-hi-la'shun), n. the
to which all life and action are attrib- act of annihilating; non-existence.
utable. annlhilatlonlst (an-nl-hi-la'shun-ist),
animosity (an-i-mos'i-ti), n. [pi. ani- n. one who believes that eternal pun-
mosities (an-i-mos'i-tiz)], hostility; ishment consists of annihilation.
hatred; active enmity. anniversary (an-i-yeVsa-ri), n. [pi.
animus (an'i-mus). n. a hostile spirit, anniversaries (an-i-vgr'sa-riz)], the
or purpose; hostility. recurrence in each year of the date of
anion (an'i-on), n. the element in a an event; the annual commemora-
body decomposed by voltaic action, tion of an event: adj. recurring once
which is evolved at the positive pole in every twelve months; yearly.
or anode. annotate (an'o-tat), v.t. to mark or
anise (an'is), n. the common name for note by way of explanation or criti-
a plant (indigenous in Egypt) yield- cism, as a book.
ing the anise-seed of commerce. annotation (an-6-ta'shun), n. the act
ankle (ang'kl), n. the joint or articula- of noting or commenting upon; a
tion connecting the foot with the leg. note, remark, or criticism made in anklet (ang'klet), n. a diminutive a book.
ankle; an ornament or support for annotator (an'o-ta-ter), n. one who
the ankle; a fetter or shackle. annotates or writes remarks by way
ankylose (ang'ki-los), v.t. to consoli- of comment or criticism upon the
date or join by bony growth. works of authors.
ankylosis (ang-ki-lo'sis), n. the con- announce (an-nouns'), v.t. to proclaim
solidation of normally movable parts or make known, formally, or in a
by means of bony growth. public manner; pronounce by judicial
ankylostomiasis (ang-ki-los-t5-ml'a- sentence; proclaim.
sis), n. an ankylose disease prevalent announcement (an-nouns'ment), n.
among miners. [Greek.] the act of announcing; that which is
ankylotic (ang-ki-lot'ik), adj. pertain- announced; a proclamation.
ing to, or of the nature of, ankylosis. annoy (an-noi'). v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed. annalist (an'al-ist), n. & compiler of p-pr. -ing], to vex or trouble by
annals. repeated acts; harass or discompose
nnnala (an'alz), n.vl. a, description, by petty injury or opposition: y.i.
history, or chronicle issued from time to be troubled, vexed: n. the feeling
to time, and comprising the events of of discomfort caused by an injury or
each year in order of sequence; vexation.
chronicles. annoyance (an-noi'ans), n. the act of
anneal (an-nel'), v.t. to heat or fix by annoying or causing vexation; the
heat; temper and render malleable; state of oeing annoyed; the thing or
bake or fuse. act which annoys.
annealing (an-ne'ling), n. the process annoyingly (an-noi'ing-li), adv. in a
of tempering, baking, fusing, or vexatious manner.
fixing. annual (an'u-al), adj. once in twelve
annex (an-neks'), v.t. to add or affix at months; yearly; of or belonging to
the end; subjoin or connect; purloin: a year; published once a year; com-
n. (an'neks), that which is added; pleted in a year; lasting or living only
an addition. for a year or season, as an annual
annexation (an-eks-a'shun), n. the act plant: n. an anniversary mass said
of annexing; that which is annexed. for a deceased person; the fee paid annexatlonlst (an-eks-a'shun-ist), n. for such a mass.
ate, iirm, at, aw); me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; 37
annually (an'u-al-li), adv. yearly; happening, returning, or completed year by year.
annuitant (an-nu'i-tant), n. one who is in receipt of, or is entitled to receive, an annuity.
annuity (an-nu'i-ti), n. [pi. annuities (an-nu'i-tiz)]. the payment of a sum of money by periodical or yearly installments during the life-time of the annuitant.
annul (an-nul'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. annulled, annulling], to make void, abolish, or obliterate, as a law, decree, or compact.
annular (an'u-lar), adj. ring-like; in the form of a ring or annulus: n. the ring of light surrounding the moon's body in an annular eclipse of the sun. [Latin.]
annulate (an'u-lat), adj. ringed; having ring-like bands or circles.
annulatlon (an-u-la'shun), n. a ring- like formation.
annulet (an'u-let). n. a little ring; a small filler encircling a column.
annulment (an-nul'ment), n. the act of reducing to nothing; abolition; invalidation.
annulosa (an-u-lo'sa). n. the annulose animals, as crustaceans, insects, worms.
annulose (an'u-los), adj. composed of a succession of rings.
annunciate (an-nun'shi-at), v.t. to make known officially or publicly; announce.
annunciation (an-nun-shi-a'shun), n. the act of annunciating.
Annunciation (an-nun-shi-a'shun), n. the Church festival (Lady-
annunciator (an-nun'shi-a-tSr), n. a signaling apparatus; an indicator used in hotels, and connected with the bells and telephones, to show in which room attendance is required.
anode (an'od), n. the path of the electric current from the positive to the negative pole; the positive pole.
anodyne (an'6-dinj, adj. assuaging pain: n. a drug which relieves pain.
anoint (a-noint), v.t. to pour oil upon, in a religious ceremony; consecrate.
anomalistic (a-nom-a-lis'tik), adj. pertaining to the anomaly or angular distance of a planet from its perihelion.
anomalous (a-nom'a-lus), adj. deviating from the common order; abnormal.
anomaly (a-nom'a-li), n. deviation from the natural order; the angular distance of a planet from its perihelion. [Greek.]
anon (a-non'), '"/. soon; straightway; again.
anonym (an'5-nim), n. a person who remains nameless; a pseudonym.
anonymity (an-5-nim'i-ti), n. the state of being anonymous.
anonymous (a-non'i-mus), adj. bearing no author's name; nameless.
anopheles (an-of*e-lfis), n. the genus of mosquitoes which transmits to man the germ of malaria. [Greek.]
another (a-nuth'er), adj. & pron. one more; not the same; some one else.
answer (an's6r), v.t. to swear in opposition to; to reply to a charge; a countcrstatement: n. a response or rejoinder; a reply to a charge; a solution, as of a mathematical problem.
answerable (an'sCr-a-hl), adj. liable to give answer; responsible.
ant (ant), n. a small social insect of the hymenopterous order.
ant-bear (ant'bar), n. the name sometimes given (from its likeness to a bear) to the great ant-eater of America; also the Cape ant-eater of South Africa.
ant-eater (ant'e-tgr), n. the name applied to a group of quadrupeds which feed upon ants.
ant-lion (ant'H-un), n. a neuropterous insect whose larva; construct a pitfall for ants and other insects.
antacid (ant-as'id), adj. counteracting acidity: n. a medicine which counteracts the formation of acids in the system; an alkali.
antagonism (an-tag'6-nizm). n. the active opposition of two opponents or opposing forces; hostility.
antagonist (an-tag'o-nist), n. a competitor in any sphere of action; an opponent.
antagonistic (an-tag-o-nis'tik), adj. acting in opposition; opposed.
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