actinology (ak-ti-nol'o-ji), n. the science that treats of the chemical action of light.
actinometer (ak-tin-om'et-er), n. an instrument for measuring the intensity of heat-rays.
action (ak'shun), n. the state of being active, as opposed to rest; the effect of one body upon another (used in sing.); an act or thing done (used in pi.); a suit instituted by one party against another in a court of law; the gesture or deportment of a speaker; the performance of a function; effective motion, as of machinery; the appearance of animation, &c., given to figures; an engagement on sea or land, less important than a battle.
actionable (ak'shun-a-bl), adj. giving grounds for an action at law.
active (ak'tiv), adj. endowed with or exercising the power or quality of action; constantly active; the performance and not the continuance
. of an action; lively, moving freely; acting quickly.
activity (ak-tiv'i-ti), n. [pi. activities (ak-tiv'i-tiz)], energy; the state of action.
actor (ak'ter), n. one who acts or performs; a stage-player; a proctor or advocate in civil causes.
actress (ak'tres), n. a woman actor.
actual (ak'tu-al), adj. real; existing; present.
actuality (ak-tu-al'i-ti), n. [pi. actualities (ak-tu-al'i-tiz)l, the state of being real or actual; that which is in full existence.
actualization (ak'tu-al-i-za'shun), n. making actual
actualize (ak'tu-al-Iz), r.i. to make actual.
actually (ak'tu-al-li), adv. as an existing fact.
actuary (ak'tu-a-ri), n. [pi. actuaries (ak'tu-a-riz)], a registrar or clerk of a court; one who is skilled in life assurance and similar computations.
actuate (ak'tu-at), v.l. to move or incite to action.
actuation (ak-tu-a'shun), n. the state of being actuated or impelled.
aculeate (a-ku'le-at), 003. equipped with a string; having aculei or sharp
prickles: n. certain insects furnished with stings, as the bee.
acumen (a-ku'men), n. quickness of perception; penetration; insight; discrimination.
acuminate (a-ku'min-at), adj. ending in a sharp point.
acupress (ak'u-pres), v.t. to check hemorrhage by pressure.
acupressure (ak-u-presh'er), n. a method of checking hemorrhage in arteries (luring amputations by needles or wire.
acute (a-kut'), adj. sharp-pointed; intellectually sharp; quick of perception; severe, as pain or symptoms attending a disease; high in pitch.
adage (ad&i), n. an ancient proverb, or pithy saying.
adagio (a-daj'i-5), a musical term calling for a slower movement in the rendering of a part of the composition. [Italian.]
Adam's ale (ad'amz 51), n. water.
Adam's apple (ad'amz ap-1), n. the prominence made by the thyroid cartilage of the larynx in front of the throat, especially conspicuous in males.
adamant (ad'a-mant), n. a substance of extreme hardness; the diamond: adj. formed of adamant; hard.
adamantine (ad-a-man'tin), <«(,. made of adamant; impenetrable.
adapt (a-dapf), v.t. to make to correspond; fit by alteration or adaptation.
adaptability (a-dap-ta-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being adaptable.
adaptation (ad-ap-ta'shun), n. the act of adjusting or adapting; the state of being adapted; that which is adapted.
add (ad), v.t. to join, unite, sum up; increase; affix.
addendum (ad-den'dum), n. [pi. addenda (ad-den'da)]. an appendix.
adder (ad'er), n. the popular name for the viper.
addict (ad-dikt'), v.t. to devote or give one's self up to; to practice sedulously (usually in a bad sense).
addition (ad-dish'un), n. the act or process of adding together; increase; the result of addition; the thing added; the adding or uniting of two or more numbers in one sum; a title ADDITIONAL
ate, Urm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book;
added to a name, denoting rank, as esquire; a dot placed at the side of a note to indicate the lengthening of the sound by one-half.
additional (ad-dish'un-al),<."(/. added; supplementary.
additionally (ad-dish'un-a-li), adv. in addition to.
additive (ad'di-tiv), adj. that may be, or is to be, added.
addle (adl), n. & adj. rotten, as eggs that are barren or putrid: v.t. to make corrupt or putnd, as eggs: v.i. to become addled.
addle-headed (adl-hed'ed). or addle- pated (ad-1-pa'ted), adj. stupid; weak-brained; muddled.
address (ad-dres'), v.t. to straighten; to bring into line; to arrange; redress, as wrongs, &c.; to direct; speak or write to; get ready; consign: n. a speech delivered or written; manners and bearing; tact; adroitness; the attention of a lover.
addressee (ad-dres-e'), n. one who is addressed.
adduce (ad-dus'), v.t. to bring forward or cite in proof or substantiation of what is alleged.
adducent (ad-du'sent), adj. bringing forward or together.
addudble (ad-du'si-bl), adj. capable of being adduced.
adductlve (ad-duk'tiv), adj. bringing forward.
adductor (ad-duk'tSr), n. one who draws to.
adductor muscles (mus'lz), muscles which draw certain parlp to a common center.
adenoid (ad'e-noid), n. one of the two soft glands in the throat.
adept (a-dept'), adj. well skilled: n. (a'dept), one who is fully proficient or skilled in an art.
adequacy (ad'e-kwa-si), n. sufficiency for a particular purpose.
adequate (ad'e-kwat), adj. equal to requirement or occasion; fully sufficient.
adhere (ad-her'), v.i. to stick fast; become firmly attached to.
adherence (ad-her'ens), n. the act or state of adhering; unwavering attachment.
adherent (ad-her'ent), adj. adhering; sticking: n. one who adheres; a follower of a party or leader.
adhesion (ad-he'zhun), n. the state or
act of adhering. adhesive (ad-he siv), adj. holding fast;
gummed for use; sticky. adieu (a-dQ'), n. [pi. adieus, adieu*
(a-duz')J, a farewell; good wishes
at parting: inter/, goodby; farewell.
[French.] adit (ad'it), n. an entrance or passage;
an entrance to a mine more or less
horizontal. adjacency (ad-Ja'sen-ei), n. the state
of being close or contiguous. adjacent (ad-ja'sent), adj. near; close
to. adjectival (ad-jek-tl'val), adj. of the
nature of an adjective. adjective (ad'jek-tiv), n. a word used
with a substantive or noun to express the quality or attribute of the
thing named, or to limit and define
a thing as distinct from something
else. adjoin (ad-join'), v.t. to unite or join:
v.i. to lie next to. adjourn (ad-jern'), v.t. to put off to
another day. adjournment (ad-jSrn'ment), n. the
act of adjourning; the postponement
of a meeting. adjudge (ad-juj'), v.t. to determine in
a controversy. adjudged (ad-jujd'), adj. determined
by judicial decree. adjudgment (ad-juj'ment), - the act
of judging. adjudicate (ad-ju'di-kat), v.t. to try
and determine a case as a court. adjudication (ad-jQ'di-kS'shun), n.
the act of determining judicially; a
judicial sentence. adjudicator (a-ju'di-ka-te>), n. one
who adjudicates. adjunct (ad'jungkt), n. something
added to another thing, but not an
essential part of it. adjunctive (ad-jungk'tiv). adj. having
the quality of joining or uniting. adjunctly (ad'Jungkt-li), adv. in connection with. adjuration (ad-ju-ra'sliun), n. the
solemn charging on oath; the form
of an oath. adjure (ad-jflr'), v.t. to command on
oath under pain of a penalty; to
charge solemnly, adjust (ad-Just'), v.t. to fit, or make ADJUSTER
ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; m!te, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; 14
exact; to make correspondent; to make accurate.
adjuster (ad-jus'te'r), n. one who regulates or adjusts.
adjustment (ad-just'ment), n. the act of adjusting.
adjutanoy (ad'ju-tan-si), n. the office of an adjutant.
adjutant (ad'ju-tant), n. a regimental staff-officer who assists the commanding officer.
adjutant-general (-jen'Sr-al), [pi. adjutants-general], the chief staff-officer of an army, through whom all orders, &c., are received and issued by the general commanding.
admeasure (ad-mezh'ur), v.t. to measure dimensions; apportion.
admeasurement (ad-mezh'ur-ment), n. a measurement by a rule.
administer (ad-minis-ter), v.l. to manage as chief agent or minister, as a king, president, or Judge; direct the application of the laws; dispense; to cause to be taken, as medicine; to give, as an oath or a sacrament.
ad ministerial (ad-min-is-ter'i-al), adj. pertaining to administration.
adminlstrable (ad-min'is-tra-bl), adj. capable of being administered.
administration (ad-min-is-tra'shun), n. the act of administering, as government, justice, medicine, a sacrament, or an intestate's estate; the ministry.
administrative (ad-min'is-tra-tiv), adj. pertaining to administration.
administrator (ad-min'is^ra-ter), n. one who administers affiairs; one who settles the estate of an intestate.
administratrix (ad-min-is-tra'triks), n. a female administrator.
admirable (ad'mi-ra-bl), adj. worthy of admiration; excellent.
admiral (ad'mi-ral), n. the chief commander of a fleet; a naval officer of the highest rank.
Admiralty (ad'mi-ral-ti), n. [pi. Admiralties (ad'mi-ral-tiz)], the department of the British government nav- ing authority over naval affairs; the building in which British naval affairs are transacted; the office of .an admiral.
admiration (ad-mi-ra'shun), n. won- jder excited by beauty or excellence.
admire (ad-mir'). v.t. to regard with strong approval.
admissible (ad-mis'i-bl), adj. worthy of being admitted.
admission (ad-mish'un), n. the power or permission to enter; the granting of an argument.
admit (ad-mit') v.t. [p.t. & p.p. admit'- ted, admit'ting], to permit to enter; allow in argument; receive.
admittance (ad-mit'ans), n. the power or permission to enter.
admix (ad-miks'), "' to mix with something else.
admixture (ad-miks'tur), n. a compound of substances mixed together.
admonish (ad-mon'ish), v.t. to reprove gently; warn; instruct.
admonition (ad-mo-nish'un), n. friendly reproof or warning.
admonitory (ad-mon'i-to-ri), adj. conveying reproof or warning.
adnascent (ad-nas'ent), "'/, growing upon something else.
adnate (ad'nat), ("'/. with organic cohesion of unlike parts.
ado (a-doo'), n. bustle; trouble.
adobe (a-do'ba), n. unburnt brick dried in the sun, used for building in Central America and Mexico. [Spanish.]
adolescence (ad-6-les'ens), n. the period of life between puberty and maturity; youth.
adolescent (ad-6-les'ent), adj. growing to maturity.
adopt (a-dopt'), v.t. to choose or take to one's self, as a child, an opinion, or a course of action.
adoption (a-dop'shun), n. the act of adopting; the state of being adopted; voluntary acceptance; admission into more intimate relations.
adoptive (a-dop'tiv), adj. constituted by adoption.
adorable (a-dor'a-bl), adj. worthy of worship.
adoration (ad-5-ra'shun), n. the act of worship.
adore (a-dor'), v.t. to pay divine honors to; honor highly; love intensely; admire greatly: v.i. to offer worship.
adorn (a-dorn'), v.l. to beautify; dignify; ornament; embellish.
adornment (a-ddrn'ment), n. ornament; decoration.
flte, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met: mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book;
adown (a-doun'), adv. & prep, downward; down.
adrift (a-drift'), adj. & adv. floating at random.
adroit ,-limn'), adj. exhibiting skill; dexterous.
adulation (ad-u-l&'shun), n. interested praise; flattery.
adulator (ad'u-la-ter), n. a flatterer.
adulatory (ad'u-la-t6-ri), adj. flattering.
adult (a-dult'), adj. grown up to full age, size, and strength: n. a man or a woman.
adulterant (a-dul'ter-ant), adj. adulterating: n. the person or thing that adulterates.
adulterate (a-dul'te'r-at), v.t. to corrupt by baser admixture: adj. corrupted by baser admixture.
adulteration (a-dul-tcr-a'shun), n. the debasing or being debased by admixture; deterioration.
adulterator (a-dul'ter-a-ter), ,n. one who corrupts or adulterates.
adulterer (a-dul'te'r-e'r), n. a man who commits adultery.
adulteress (a-dul'ter-es), or adultress (ardul'tres), n. a woman who commits adultery.
adulterous (aHdul'tcr-us), adj. guilty of adultery.
adultery (andul't&M), n. [pi. adulteries (a-dufter-iz)], violation of the marriage-bed.
adumbrant (ad-um'brant), adj. shadowing forth.
adumbrate (ad-um'brat), v.t. to shadow forth; give a faint resemblance of.
adumbration (ad-um-bra'shun), n. something that shadows forth.
adumbrative (ad-um-bra'tiv), adj. faintly representing.
aduncous (ad-ung'kus), adj. hooked, as a parrot's bill.
advance (ad-vans'), v.i. to go forward: v.t. to further; to make a payment of beforehand: n. improvement; an addition to or rise in value; an overture (usually used in pi.); a loan; payment beforehand.
advancement (ad-vans'ment), n. furtherance; progress: promotion.
advantage (ad-van'taj), n. a state of advance or forwardness; a benefit; the first point gained after deuce.
advantageous (ad-van-ta'jus), adj. of advantage; beneficial.
advent (ad'vent), n. a coming or arrival.
Advent (ad'vent), n. the period including the four Sundays before Christmas.
adventitious (ad-ven-tish'us), adj. happening by chance; casual; fortuitous; accidental; produced out of normal and regular order.
adventual (ad-ven'tu-al), adj. relating to the season of Advent.
adventure (ad-ven'tfir). n. an event the issue of which is determined by chance: v.t. to hazard or risk.
adventurer (ad-ven'tur-er), n. one who undertakes adventures; a speculator; one who seeks social distinction by false or specious pretenses.
adventuresome (ad-ven'tur-sum), or adventurous (ad-yen'tur-us), adj. inclined to incur risk; full of risk; daring.
adventuress (ad-ven'tur-es), n. a female adventurer; (usually in a bad sense).
adverb (ad've"rb), n. a word used to modify the sense of a verb or adjective.
adverbial (ad-vfr'bi-al), "'/.. of the nature of an adverb.
adverbially (ad-ver'bi-a-li), adv. with the force of an adverb.
adversary (ad'ver-aa-ri), n. [pi. adversaries (ad'ver-sa-riz)], an opponent.
adversative (ad-yer'sa-tiv), adj. expressing opposition.
adverse (ad-vers'), adj. opposed to; contrary; unfortunate; inimical.
adversity (ad-veVsi-ti), n. a state of things adverse; the reverse of prosperity; misery.
advert (ad-vert'), v.i. to turn one's attention to; refer.
advertence (ad-ver'tens), n. attention.
advertency (ad-ver'ten-si), n. the habit of being attentive.
advertent (ad-ver'tent), adj. attentive.
advertently (ad-ver'tent-li), adv. in an intentional manner.
advertise (ad'ver-tlz), v.t. to turn the attention of others to; announce; publish.
ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mil note, north, not; boon, book; 16
advertisement (ad-ver'tiz-ment), n. a notice in a public print; an announcement.
advice (ad-vis'), n. an opinion given for the practical direction of conduct; information given by letter; counsel.
advisability (ad-vl-za-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being advisable; desirability.
advisable (ad-vl'za-bl), adj. fit to be advised; prudent; expedient.
advise (ad-vlz'), v.t. to offer an opinion to; counsel; inform.
advised (ad-viz'd), p.adj. acting with caution.
advisedly (ad-vl'zed-li), adv. with advice; with intention; deliberately.
advisory (ad-v!'zo-ri), adj. having power to advise; containing advice.
advocacy (ad'vo-ka-si), n. the act of pleading for.
advocate (ad'vo-kat), n. one called to the aid of another; one who pleads the cause of another.
advocator (ad'vo-ka-t6r), n. an advocate; a supporter.
advowee (ad-vou-e'), n. one who has anadvowson; the patron of a living.
advowson (ad-vou'zn), n. the right of presentation to a benefice. [English.]
adynamia (a-din-a'mi-a), n. grea' debility; physical weakness.
adze or adz (adz), n. a cutting tool having a curved blade at right angles to the handle, used for dressing timber by ships' carpenters, coopers, &c. adze-plane, a tool for molding and rabbeting.
ndile or edlle (e'dll), n. a Roman magistrate who exercised supervision over the temples, public and private buildings, the markets, public games, sanitation, &c., hence a municipal officer.
aelurophobia (e-lu-ro-ph5'bi-a),n. cat- fear; a morbid dread of cats and a consciousness of their presence even when they are not in sight.
^Eollan harp (e-o'li-an harp), n. a stringed instrument, the wires of which are set in motion by air.
eeon or eon (G'on), n. a period of immense duration; an age.
aerate (a'er-at), v.t. to combine or charge with carbonic-acid gas, or with ah-.
aerated bread (a'gr-at-ed bred), n. bread raised by charging the dough with carbonic-acid gas.
aeration (a-Cr-a'shun), n. the act of aerating; oxygenation of the blood by exposure to the air in respiration.
aerial (a-e'ri-al), adj. belonging to the air.
aerially (a-e'ri-a-li), adv. like the air.
aerification (S-er-if-i-ka'shun), n. the state of being aeriform.
aeriform (a'er-i-f 6rm), adj. having the form of air; gaseous.
ai-ro (a'er-o), adj. a word descriptive of aeronautical subjects, as aero- club.
aerocyst (a'Sr-o-sist), n. one of the air-bladders of algae.
aerodrome (a'er-6-dr5m), n. a field or shelter for aeroplanes.
aero-dynamics (a-er-o-di-nam'iks), n. the science which treats of air in motion.
aerogram (a'er-6-gr»m), n. a wireless telegraphic message.
aerolite (a'fir-o-llt), n. a meteorite.
aerometer (a-er-om'e-ter), n. an instrument for weighing the air.
aeronaut (a'er-5-nawt), n. an aerial navigator; a balloonist, or aviator.
aeronautic (a-6r-6-naw'tik), or aeronautical (a-cj-o-naw'ti-kal), adj. pertaining to aeronautics.
aeronautics (a-er-6-naw'tiks), n. aerial navigation.
aerophone (a'Sr-o-fSn), n. an instrumented invented by Edison for increasing the intensity of sound.
aerophor (a'erK>-fer), n. an apparatus used in spinning-factories to moisten the air, and counteract the electricity produced by the friction of the machinery.
aerophyte (a'cr-o-flt), n. an air-plant; a parasitical plant.
aeroplane (a'cr-o-plan), n. a flying machine, distinguished from an airship or balloon.
aeroplanlst (a-er-o-plan'ist), n. one who flies in or controls an aeroplane.
aerostat (a'gr-o-stat), n. a balloon; a flying machine.
aerostatic (a-er-6-stat'ik), or aerostatical (a-er-6-stat'i-kal), adj. pertaining to aerostatics.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
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